I grew up in a time when sewing was still an important part of a girls training. My mom sewed clothes and things for my dolls when I was young, but after her divorce she quit sewing. My grandmothers and aunts and cousins all sewed and made their own clothes. My Aunt Edith made gorgeous wedding dresses for a living.
A Stitch In Time…
About the age of ten I developed an interest in sewing and started out doing decorative stitching. Making pillow covers and crewel work pictures. Then I got hold of my mom’s old machine in high school and taught myself how to use it. I made a pair of pants (hideous) that I never wore and a beautiful sundress which I had my class picture made while wearing for tenth grade.
Funny thing is, I was never taught directly by any of these wonderful women, but I learned a lot by watching them and by. I have seen them make mistakes and rip them out and start over, any and listened as they talked about outfits they had messed up and then corrected.
After high school I went my own way and didn’t sew again until just before my one and only child was born. Since then I sew at least once a week and many weeks I will sew something nearly everyday. It connects me in a wonderful way to these ladies who were an influence to me not only as seamstresses, but also as lovers of the Lord. Each one, in her own way, left a stitch on my heart their love for Him, and left me with a longing to know Him.
I have made many mistakes in my life and had to rip them out and start over. It’s an ongoing process! My Mamaw used to always say ‘a stitch in time saves nine’, and she was right. I wish I learned that lesson much earlier in my life. There would have been far less ripping out to do. But God has been gracious and merciful and given me the time and the opportunity to rip and redo.
I pray that I will make right choices as I go forward and that I will encourage my daughter to do the same. But, also that I will show her that nothing is ever ruined. You can always rip it out and start over.
~ written by Amy Waters
You ARE an Artist!
Amy has a brand new course coming soon at YouAREanArtist.com! A Simple Start in Sewing
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What a blessing to have women that shared His love simply by living. And praise the Lord He’s not done with us yet – what a beautiful picture of stitching love from the ladies of your family – as well as His love for us!
Sewing is disappearing as an art form! I have been teaching my 9 year old to sew and she loves the creativity that this involves. I have sewed for all of my children. My Mum was a sewer and I too have to say that, like you, I really didn’t learn this directly from her but by being around while she was sewing alone and with others. I did a little sewing at school, but it is definitely the spirit of creating that I feel from her when I am cutting out a pattern and then seeing a piece come together. I feel her spirit with me when I do these things that remind me of her. Thank you for your post. It made me feel close to her on a day when I’m missing her very much.
My daughters love to sew and I came across this class on Chalk Art with Nana. Is this just a beginner class. One time thing, or are there recurring classes with Mrs. Amy?
Thank you,
Sarah Smith
Hi Sarah! Thanks for your question. Mrs Amy has a course available here: https://chalkpastel.com/product/a-simple-start-in-sewing-video-lessons/ All of the video topics are listed there. Thanks again, Tricia