“I predicted yesterday that today would be great. My estimate was correct.” ~ Littlest Girl
A weary Mama at the end of a very full day sure needed to hear that. And doesn’t He know just what we need? Maybe I should always anticipate the great, count all the good. The daily gifts…
- A link to glorious music emailed from a friend at just the perfect time.
- Long talks with teenagers.
- Appointments done and more to come.
- Rod and Staff preschool curriculum.
- Quotes from presidents.
- Art afternoons.
- Fall leaves collected and offered like flowers.
- Golden late afternoons and children outside.
Help me to win my endless fears
You’ve been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do ~ Jeremy Camp, Walk by Faith
- A quick call from my grandmother. I love to hear her voice.
- Folks are well after a long spell of healing.
- Reading a Savvy Blogging Summit wrap up from my roomie! Contemplating my own savvy thoughts.
- Friday night date at Panera, hearing about a conference he attended. Talking Christmas. Laughing over bread bowls of steaming soup.
- Up early on a Saturday and two hours all to myself!
- Birthday parties with friends.
- Going to bed hours early and sleeping a touch later.
- Youth Sunday and my eldest teaching adults.
…footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow, we will follow the steps of Jesus, where ‘ere they go…”
- Two blondies singing in big church.
- Christmas music coming from the piano.
- Looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa here for the first time in almost two years since they moved out west!
- Littlest Girl becoming a Christian and baptism soon!
Big. Small. Noticed. Counted. #4142-4167.
for we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
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What are you anticipating these glorious fall days? Click to comment…
What a smart little girl and what a mighty God! He does send things at the exact moment we need them
Yes He does. And you have many a story to prove that Heidi! We need only take notice of what He provides for us.
That littlest girl ALWAYS makes me laugh! Such profound statements from her! Glorious time for you as a Mama, making all these memories……..
Really nice post…
One item made me giggle…you are thankful for quotes from presidents? That is one I would never have thought of. 🙂
Date night at Panera…I had one scheduled in August and then dh was out of town and we never rescheduled. I am off to add it to our calendar. Thanks for the reminder.
🙂 well, I guess I should have been more specific about the presidential quotes. We’ve been enjoying our Elections unit study so much. Especially quotes from the founding fathers. But there were others with quite the presidential wit too.
Oh yes, get you to a Panera as quick as you can!
I am anticipating reading more of the book of Samuel with my sweet boys (they are really enjoying it and we are learning so much) and two sweeties requesting hot chocolate on a snuggly evening. You encourage me to get a date on the calendar for me and my hubby. It’s rare we do that and we need it.
I just love your blog and find it so encouraging! Thank you so much!
Jerri – what a sweet comment for me to find and start my day with! No, thank you 🙂