I mentioned in an earlier post that I am participating in the Mom’s Toolbox Read the Bible in 90 Days Challenge. I can’t believe that the first day is just two days away on the 3rd! My sweet hubby bought me the Bible that goes along with the challenge for Christmas, so I am ready to go! I have even spruced up my little corner where I like to have most of my quiet times. I usually do my ‘leisure’ reading in bed before I go to sleep, but like I said in the post, I am putting down all leisure reading and such for the next 90 days. I want to be laser-focused.
Several of you said you were participating as well, which is so exciting! I wanted to offer another challenge for you, whether you are taking part in the 90-Day one or not. It’s from Beth Moore and her team at Living Proof Ministries. It’s a scripture memory challenge that lasts all year, memorizing two verses of your choice each month. On the 1st and 15th, you check in at their blog and post your verse. You can see what Beth is memorizing and others, as well. As a ‘reward’ – as if having all that scripture committed to memory isn’t enough! – there’s a special event you’ll be invited to next January if you hang in there. All the details are on their site. Today is the first day, so grab your Bible and see what verse God lays on your heart to learn by heart. (Don’t worry, you can start late…just read the details on their site)
Ladies, I don’t know about you, but I sure could use more of God’s unfailing Word in my mind to crowd out the junk. It does not return void. If you are thinking about resolutions for the New Year, can I offer that simply committing to be in the Word and hiding it in your heart would take care of a lot of that other stuff that we would resolve to do -whether it’s being kinder, wiser, more disciplined in any number of areas (eating, finances, exercise, etc) ? The difference is that instead of trying to do them from our own power, and instead of trying to change a symptom of something lacking in our lives, we’ll be tapping into the ultimate power source and addressing the root causes of our issues.
What will you need? Beth suggests using an index card sized spiral. They have some adorable ones on the LPM site, but they are currently back ordered. Of course, you can use whatever you have on hand to get started. The important thing is to get started. I am going to use this little planner my thoughtful son gave me for Christmas. It’s small enough to stick in my purse and has plenty of room to write the verses. I can even use the extra spaces to practice writing my verse from memory.
So who’s in? My first verse is ~
“ I eagerly hope and expect that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Philippians 1:20 NIV
Here’s to a 2011 filled with meditations on the unfailing Word of God and to encouraging each other in our pursuit of knowing Him.
Wonderful, Wonderful plan!!! Thank you for sharing this Bible reading plan and scripture memory plan!! I pray (I know) that you will be amazingly blessed!!
I love “laser-focused”! Thanks for pointing us towards these wonderful new habits for the new year.
I’m in! I hope you’ll hop over to my blog and link up so others can you find you … http://gracefulabandon.blogspot.com/2010/12/faithful-fridays-revving-up-for-2011.html
I personally enjoy your posts and will be passing this one on to my blogging buddies. Love the idea of a special nook and have been working on my own for Bible reading, but also the Scripture memory challenge. Thanks!
Lisa from Birmingham, AL
Psalm 119:37, NLT
Turn my eyes from worthless things,
and give me life through your word.
Whoops, posted it here by mistake; sorry!
I am going to do the one your doing Kerri but I am also going to add verse 21….
I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:20-21 NIV
Love this! I’ll definitely join you on this one. I’m starting with one I’ve had inside my coffee cabinet for months, Proverbs 12:18 – “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
I just found your blog through Mom’s Toolbox & I’m excited to be a part of the 90 Day Challenge, too! I just heard about Beth’s scripture memory challenge, but I hadn’t thought about combining the two. I may try it. Thanks for the idea!