With a nod toward spring time sports and also painting a pastel that would be appreciated by boys and girls alike, my students and I have enjoyed working on a baseball and bat chalk pastel tutorial!
Baseball and Bat Chalk Pastel Tutorial
This is very simple and can be completed in about 15-20 minutes with only four steps!
>Download your free Baseball and Bat Chalk Pastel Tutorial today. Subscribers will find it at the bottom of the subscription feed or subcriber email.
This tutorial plus another free one – Grapes Chalk Pastel Tutorial at Free Homeschool Deals!
So, paint your baseball and bat (or grapes!) and be sure to share with us! Simply tag @chalkpastelart on social media, use the #YouAREanArtist hashtag, or upload a photo to the ChalkPastel.com Facebook page!
- A note on chalk pastels: Pastels are an easy, forgiving medium. Fun for children and adults alike! Details on the pastels and paper we use, how and where to purchase, and links to all of Nana’s other pastel lessons are here: 100+ Free Art Lessons for All Ages plus the video The Very Few Must Have Supplies for Chalk Pastel Art. A simple set is very affordable. Nana also teaches acrylic lessons.
- The practical aspects of a mess: Pastels are blessedly messy. We always have baby wipes close by to wipe hands. We wear something we don’t mind getting stained or don a smock.
Do you and your artists learn best with a video art tutorial? Find our Video Art Lessons at ChalkPastel.com!
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A special thank you to our subscribers!
–> As a special thank you to our Hodgepodge subscribers, we will occasionally share art tutorials only available via a download link on our subscription feed. We will still continue to post lessons here on the blog but some will only be available for subscribers. So please subscribe to Hodgepodge now (it’s free!) Don’t miss any art lessons!
-originally published April 2013
I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you! Grant is going to flip when we do this one — he’s my totally baseball obsessed boy. Thank you, my friend. You are soooo smart 😉
Mary – I did think of you as we put this together! And it was totally Nana’s idea (she’s so smart!) Enjoy!
Love this! I just pinned it 🙂
Thanks Julianna 🙂
My sons will love it! They are 7 and 9 and are started baseball this past week.
wait how do you download it?
Hi Gina – glad you asked! As a thank you to our subscribers – this is a free download art tutorial. When you are subscribed, you will find it either at the bottom of the email you receive with a new post – or in the subscription feed. You will see the link at the bottom that says ‘Download the Baseball and Bat Chalk Pastel tutorial today!’
Now, if you subscribe today, you will won’t get the link until I have a new post up tomorrow. But I’ll be posting every week day for the next two weeks with our You CAN Be An Artist series. So you won’t have to wait long! Hope that helps – and please enjoy!