I feel summer slipping away. The daylily blossoms are mostly bloomed out on each stalk. The back to school sales are ramping up. Extracurricular activities already have a spot on the August calendar. Me? I just want to keep the slower pace. Savor the simple. And so, we’ve been purposefully doing these summer things that Ann Voskamp linked to a week or so ago: Summer Fun List. One on the list was dancing in the rain. The Lord provided a late afternoon shower with the sun still shining. It seemed it was just for our twirling.
And the tasting!
Oh yes, in the background, I have my quest to get things done. But I’ve also been making sure we are still seizing summer fun! Others we’ve been picking from…
Other gifts…
“Good morning, Mama. Nice to meet you!” ~ Littlest Boy on a Sunday morning.
Mama Ann’s voice on the line, her inviting us to come play in the creek!
Appreciating cows at Chickfila with our cousin.
Holding a brand new pink bundle of a niece – the sweet baby smells and little squeaks.
Getting to take a car full of girls to youth camp at Berry College. Driving around the beautiful campus. Seeing deer, running through a rain shower, studying the old chapel, walking under enormous oaks and knowing my eldest gets to enjoy it all week. Riding back home – just me and my husband.
Arriving back home to surprises that Nana and the children did in rooms.
A stop at a local road side stand for some of summer’s delights.
Cucumber, peaches, cantaloupe and beans!
Watching early morning light touch and highlight the pink puffs on the backyard mimosa tree.
Counting gifts 2539-2553.
O taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him!
Psalm 34:7-9
Are you seizing summer’s goodness? What are you going to do that’s fun this week?
What lovely gifts you have so beautifully described!