My first loaf using my new Nutimill ******************************** It’s funny that I would start making home made bread, researching and cooking healthier meals, trying to go more natural and organic, finally exercising on a regular basis and as always trying to be more organized in some areas of my home life and it makes me […]
Back to basics: The Lunch Lady
“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?” ~ Winnie the Pooh It’s a weekday and my brain stretches through grammar. Next, I cheer on handwriting. All the while, the ongoing, precious pounding of the piano. The youngest plays the […]
Thank You!
Instead of a regular post this morning, I wanted to take this opportunity to say a great big THANK YOU to all the wonderful ladies (and gentleman) who contribute their thoughts and their time to this blog. Angie, Kerri, Kim, Tricia and Steve, you have all blessed me so much! We just crossed the 10,000 […]
Exclamation Point!
Great Date #2. A part of the big 6 great date experiment. The topic of date #2 is Cultivate Communication. A series of questions designed to get couples communicating. Questions like:
habit of the ordinary
Leviticus 1:1, 14 says, “Then the Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting saying…But if his offering to the Lord is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall bring his offering from the turtledoves or from young pigeons.“ I know this probably sounds like an unusual verse to stand […]
The Sunday box
The habit of making Sunday the best day of the week It’s nothing fancy on the outside. A plastic storage tub. Permanent marker on the lid labels it Sunday Box. It’s what’s inside that makes Sunday family time memorable. That, plus only getting to peek inside once a week. Because the goal is for Sunday […]
Daddy Destination
One Saturday morning while I was in middle school, my dad called all of us children together and asked a question: “Would you like to go to Eisenhower Park, or my park today?” “Dad, what’s your park?” we all asked. “You’ll find out if you choose it,” he replied.
What he must be…The Habit of being picky.
My college age daughter came home from school recently and announced that at school there are so few guys that truly love God and are trying to walk the walk. She said, “I am just really picky I guess.” Of course, I chimed in and told her, “You had better be picky. God has someone […]
When Mama is sick…
“But we were all packed and … now… we’re doomed!” My four-year-old’s response when I told her we could not go to the American Girl Bistro for a tea party lunch with Grandma and friends. That the boys wouldn’t get to play with Grandpa. “Mama is sick. And we can’t give germs to our friends […]
How to make a room time CD
Join me on Habits for a Happy Home today for Part Three of What About the Little Ones?…
How to make a room time CD
Part Three of What About the Little Ones? Now that you know what to put on a room time CD, here are some tips on how to make one. There are many ways to create audio recordings; from the portable tape recorder to sophisticated computer software, costing thousands of dollars. We will focus on using […]
My storytellin’ overalls
Celebrating the habit of reminiscing…originally posted at Sonflower. I have a favorite pair of denim overalls given to me by my mom one Christmas, oh at least 10 years ago. This was during the height of overall fashion, of course. My two sisters also received a pair. They were from the Gap, so it was […]
Having Fun with Science
Today’s post is all about SCIENCE!! My boys LOVE Science experiments, they would do them everyday if I let them!! I thought that there might be other kids who also enjoy Science, especially Science experiments so I just wanted to share with you links to some of my past post that include Science resources and experiments […]