I don’t know about you, but I am an intentional scrapbooker. I always intend to do it, but I don’t. I have lots of scrapbooking stuff, just not the time. Actually I think it’s more of a space issue. If I had a place where I could leave everything out so that it was ready […]
The Habit of Reflection
I have moments of reflection all throughout the day………….”Oh, why did I say that, or do that, why am I home schooling =), what’s for dinner, what do I want to teach my kids, what is God trying to teach me”………….I do believe that the Holy Spirit directs me to most of the moments of […]
“Time to pick up jurisdictions,” I call. There is honestly no way I could possibly follow behind five children and keep our home straight. And homeschool. Since we are all part of a family, all should contribute. Carving the big job into smaller parts makes it easier for everyone. We adopted the jurisdiction habit from […]
Power Hour
I have a cleaning schedule that I really like. It covers all the day to day cleaning and also has one day per week set aside to tackle bigger jobs that are done less frequently. The only problem with my schedule is, well… me. If I get off the schedule, then I’m stuck with a […]
habit of reaching their heart
One of my very favorite parenting books is Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp. Driscoll and Mars Hill Church have been gracious enough to upload all five sessions of their Biblical Parenting Conference in which the speaker is Dr. Tripp. If you have children…click on over.
What’s for Dinner? Part four – presentation
4 One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. 5 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. [b] 6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. 7 […]
The Habit of Having Family Traditions
Tradition- (Free online Dictionary) 1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication. 2. a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.b. A set of such customs and usages viewed as a coherent body of […]
Ready, set, go!
The habit of being ready Here they come. Piling loudly through the church door. One child’s ankles are neglected – no socks. The wind and cold swirl inside behind them. The youngest girl’s pigtail is flopping and about to come out. Another child tugs on mother’s arm. Mom is harried and worn, her lips a […]
A Habit of Praise
A Psalm of my Heart The Truth will not be Stopped! If I do not speak out, are your gifts any less wonderous? If I live silently, is what you have done any less amazing? If I struggle to believe, are your words invalid? If I do not trust, do you become untrustworthy? If I do not clearly see you, does […]
Preschoolers as part of the action
With holidays coming up there will be a bunch of action in the kitchen. So how do you allow preschoolers to safely be part of busy cooking time? Here’s just a few, simple habits we use often. Bring on the bubbles. Spread a towel, get a sturdy stool and let your child play in the […]
The habit of protecting
It’s out there. You don’t have to look hard or long to find it. Sometimes it finds you. We’re living in a “brave new world”. The Internet impacts people’s world view, perhaps more than any invention in modern times. It is a fascinating place, full of interesting information. As a gigantic virtual community, it has […]
habit of seeking balance and cleaning out little gods
The summer of 2008 I participated in a bible study which focused on the little gods we allow into our lives. After this study I began not only to evaluate my own life, but I also began to re-evaluating things I allow in my home and my childrens lives such as what they view, read, listen and participate. I think there has to […]
The Habit of Knowing you, Knowing your children and Knowing your family
I have to confess that the only routine in my house is the fact that we go to sleep every night, get up every morning and four or five days a week we “do” school between the time we wake up and go to bed ! You see I don’t see the fact that I […]