Mad sad glad is a little game we play at supper time once or twice a week. It’s a gem I learned from Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott’s Parenting the Early Years. And it’s not just for preschoolers. It’s as the name says. You take turns as you go around the table and everyone shares […]
What’s for dinner? Part 3 -preparing
Taste and see the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8 You’ve planned your meals and you’ve purchased the food, now unfortunately that food is not going to get out the pantry and cook itself, so you’d better get to it! Sometimes it feels like I spend the […]
The Habit of Remaining Calm
Calm- make calm or still; steady: make steady; “steady yourself” become quiet or calm, composure: steadiness of mind under stress; not agitated; without losing self-possession; sedate: cause to be calm or quiet Wow, that sounds like the total opposite of who I am but my heart is to be this way when it is needed, when […]
Papers, stacks and hole punches
I’m so glad Kendra gave us permission to discuss emerging habits in her A Morning Routine part three. Especially since Kerri caught me in a pile of stacks when she requested I write about our filing Fridays. You see, several weeks ago I bragged about the addition of a new, three-hole punch to our classroom. […]
preparing them for life.
I was thinking this morning about raising children. I have to admit when I pause to think about the responsibility it can be overwhelming. I think sometimes we lose our focus and educate them for the goal of getting into a good college. When in reality we should be educating them for more than that. […]
What’s for dinner? Part 2 – purchasing
I’ve gone back and forth with myself on what to post for this portion on purchasing your groceries. With the coupon craze full steam ahead and the availability of information on the web about how to get the best deals at an all-time high, I felt like I wanted to write a disclaimer before I […]
Tea Time Anyone?
1. Making Cookies for our “Tea Time” 2.The Table is set and ready 1. My youngest serving his older brother 2.My oldest serving me “Come on mom stop taking pictures we’re starving for our cookies” You may ask why have Tea Time (especially if you only have boys). Well, I have several answers for that […]
Shhh. It’s Quiet Time.
When our eldest outgrew her nap I struggled with losing that quiet time for myself. I needed it! The three-month-old was napping. Why was now the time for the toddler to drop a nap?? I also noticed she and I were both able to handle late afternoons better when we had our afternoon quiet time. […]
Feeding Your Family God’s Ideas
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philp. 4:8 Now these are words (Ideas) to live by!! Isn’t feeding our families these Ideas……God’s Ideas……the best reason to Home school? It is for me! Though […]
What about the little ones? Morning Room Time
Here is the question I get most often: What do you do with the little ones while you school? What about the little ones? We, of course, have a special time with our preschoolers to start the day. They have their own curriculum. Often they are playing close by (or running through 🙂 ) while […]
Habit Training
The excerpt of the following book by Sonya Shafer is about habit training. Sonya has a great website devoted to the Charlotte Mason Method of Education. I love this style of learning. We strive to learn this way in our home, though I am not not always successful. I think Shafer has done an excellent job of […]
The Habit of Keeping Silent
The Beauty of Silence If you don’t have anything nice (or productive) to say than don’t say anything!! How true those words are especially in the light of the WORD of God. Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the […]
Celebrate every day
Why not find something to celebrate every day? A lost tooth, an extra measure of kindness, diligence in school work or finding the long-lost library book. At first we just pulled out the special plate for birthdays. But then I read this celebratory idea and love it. Several times during the week someone gets the […]