Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! Ready for summer? We are! And we are making plans with all these great resources from fellow homeschoolers. –> Follow Curriculum Choice’s Free Homeschool Resources Pinterest board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ […]
Field Trips at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! —> Follow Homeschool Field Trips Pinterest board by The Curriculum Choice. What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find […]
World of Coca-Cola Summer
Tickets for you! Don’t miss the giveaway at the end! You might know that the World of Coca-Cola – besides being all things southern and rich in history – is one of our favorite local destinations here in Atlanta, Georgia. We went just last week to check out the new movie (made me cry!), try […]
Homeschool at the Beach
Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! Ready for summer? Even the beach?? We are! And we are making plans with all these great resources from fellow homeschoolers. –> Follow Hodgepodgemom’s At the Beach Pinterest board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals […]
Tapestry of Grace and History Revealed?
It’s the time of year when I get questions on curriculum choices! I love to talk curriculum. And today I am sharing a question Holli asked about the homeschool resources Tapestry of Grace and Answers in Genesis: History Revealed. It’s a post I’ve promised for a while. Hi Tricia, Q: I really wanted to ask […]
Free Things to Do This Summer
In continuation of our Free and Frugal Atlanta Summer Staycation theme, our friends at Homeschool.com have a wonderful list of… 101 Things to Do This Summer (our art tutorials are listed as #98!) Learn about cotton candy, learn to play an instrument, make watermelon ice… In addition, they are offering a free summer homeschool magazine. […]
The Habit of Rest
Can you feel it? The summer stretching out. The call to get out and enjoy these days with abundant sunshine. We have. You may have noticed that our authors here at Habits for a Happy Home are taking a break. We hit the busy, full calendar time of spring and things got quiet here on […]
Chalk Pastels: Art at the Beach
Can you hear the waves crashing? It’s time to celebrate summer with art! Chalk Pastels: Art at the Beach is available NOW for beginning or continuing art lessons in the chalk pastel medium. Chalk pastels are a wildly successful medium! If you have been wanting to add art to your days, now is the time. […]
Showcasing Homeschoolers at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! Ready for summer? We are! And we are making plans with all these great resources from fellow homeschoolers. –> Follow Michelle’s Pinterest board with all the latest features of The Homeschool Showcase! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful […]
Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe
My grandmother, Mama Ann, has always made her own mayonnaise. Imagine the savings! She says it’s the homemade mayo that makes her Pimento Cheese so delicious. Probably so, but I think it also has to do with just her making it and me getting to enjoy it. She shared her homemade mayo recipe with me: Mama Ann’s […]
Summer Plans at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome to The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party! Ready for summer? We are! And we are making plans with all these great resources from fellow homeschoolers. Follow Curriculum’s board Celebrate Summer! on Pinterest. –> Follow Curriculum Choice’s Celebrate Summer Pinterest board! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these […]
Helpful Habit: Celebrate a Good End to the Homeschool Year
We are at a repeat of where we were this time last year. “Are you feeling it too? The calendar is clearing up. There’s white space on the page, flip flops by the back door and blue skies outside! Choir, church activities, drama troupe have all ended for the year for us. Some subjects are […]
Free and Frugal Atlanta Summer Staycation
The homeschool year is winding down. The days are longer and all is green outside. It’s time to plan some summer fun! I have some resources for you – both fun and educational! There’s always the neighborhood or local public pool! This spring we have been exploring trails and parks close to home and plan […]