One year ago yesterday I shared a post entitled, “Are Your Children Socialized?” That post was shared all around Facebook and it received many comments. I think it resonated well with fellow homeschoolers. It was simply the answer to my friend’s question. It was the response I wish I had been able to share when […]
Making Bread
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:28-29 The other day I was […]
Using Worksheets to Supplement Unit Studies
I am so very excited that Lauren Hill of Mama’s Learning Corner is here today! I had the privilege of being with my friend Lauren on two different occasions even though we live states apart. She is even better in person! Don’t miss all the wonderful resources she has on her site. Keep up with […]
Gifted Learners, Living Math & Pumpkin School at Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Full Throttle Homeschooling Multiple Ages
Our slow and steady start to homeschool led us to full throttle back to school. Over the last three weeks we have started more subjects, added some extras to our days. Plus, one by one, the extracurricular ramped up as well. And it’s all good. Though I do miss the days of summer and the […]
How to Have a Happy Marriage When the Nest is Empty
My nest isn’t completely empty yet, but one chick has flown the coop and the other stays out on long flights most of the time only coming home at night to roost. So I do experience on a regular basis the empty nest. When I homeschooled, I planned ahead to the days when I would […]
Review: Well Planned Day High School Planners
Just last week I shared about our family homeschool planning meeting. With high schoolers I feel this is especially important. The Well Planned Day planners play a major role in our writing down of assignments and overall accountability. Today I am telling you all about the four year high school planners we use with our […]
It’s All In The Preparation
My Daddy was like a turtle, slow and steady. He could work any of the younger men into the ground. I can’t remember Daddy ever saying these exact words, but he truly lived by this sentiment: “Measure twice – cut once.” For those who didn’t have his patience and were in a hurry to get […]
A Seasonal Start in Chalk Pastels: Fall!
Introducing A Seasonal Start in Chalk Pastels: Fall! Our latest ebook contains six tutorials for beginning or continuing art lessons in the chalk pastel medium. Just $3.95 What’s included? Encouragement to getting started and simple supply list NEW tutorials! acorn pumpkin patch caramel apple little owl in the tree turkey BONUS –> classic apple or […]
Meal Planning and More at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting with Multiple Ages
Along with our habits, our weekly homechool planning meeting helps build the ‘bones’ of our homeschool days. Our family meeting with all our children gives us an outline for the week ahead. There are so many benefits to this time together. Photo by Amy Law Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting With Multiple Ages So, before I […]
Top 10 Things to Do in Atlanta for Labor Day Weekend
We love going to local World of Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium and Stone Mountain. We recently celebrated Middle Girl’s birthday at World of Coca-Cola recently and built some great memories searching for the Vault of Secret Formula. We went with our church family to Stone Mountain in July. And we’ve been to the Georgia Aquarium three […]
Yes You Can Teach Art – Homeschool Super Heroes Interview Tomorrow!
They are some of the most frequently asked questions I am asked: How do I add art to my homeschool? How do I deal with the mess? What are some simple supplies to have on hand? But I’m just not artistic – how can I teach my children? Here’s your personal invitation to join me […]