Celebrated! Went places! 1. Counting down to the new year when we were back from a party with friends. | 2. New Year’s cake by Middle Girl | 3. Black-eyed peas and greens at Nana’s | 4. Headed to a cousin’s birthday party. There’s the golden capitol dome | 5. BD party at an inflatables place | 6. The replacement ‘You are Special Today’ plate. A Christmas gift from Nana
Got organized! Hodgepodgedad said he was going to the grocery store but sent me a message from here.
@hodgepodgemom. The surprise about which she does not know. pic.twitter.com/m1vbS5Z4
This was the week of back to school. We eased into it because Hodgepodgedad was still home with us on Monday. And because when you haven’t been doing a full schedule of school it wears a Mama out to jump right back in. Still, we managed a pretty good amount of learning.
Tapestry of Grace is lining up with our Harmony Fine Arts studies. We are heading into weeks rich in Renaissance artists and composers. We’ve been reading I, Juan de Pareja at bedtime. Our dialectic level students are reading the Second Mrs. Giaconda. Writing: Eldest Girl is learning how to write an editorial. Middle Girl was also excited to receive her first letter from her pen pal this week!
We had hoped to make a salt map of Italy but will look forward to that maybe next week. So…
Geography! this week was all about Stack the States.
Homeschool Lunch! Before we started our Answers in Genesis Heat and Energy studies we decided to celebrate completing our Human Body studies. We did this by making this really cute veggie skeleton I found on Pinterest. How’s that for a homeschool lunch? The eldest two children are continuing in their Apologia Biology studies, as well. This week they studied bacteria.
Math! Three of our children are right back into Teaching Textbooks. While one was scoring over 100 in Math, others needed a little help from Hodgepodgedad in the evenings.
Nana stopped by for a pastel lesson (toasty warm tutorial coming soon).
Art, Handicrafts, Nature! And Middle Girl had the best time with the new Hearts and Trees winter kit. “This is soooo cooool!” I heard over and over. The butterfly handicraft included was perfect to enjoy the day after we’d watched the new Crowe’s Nest Media DVD, Your Backyard: Monarch Butterflies.
The younger set stayed busy all around. Lil’ Buddy said, “Look Mama! I built Nana’s work! Her golden work!” Our field trip to visit Nana at the Georgia capitol (under the golden dome) made a big impression on him. Meanwhile, Littlest Girl got back into her Saxon Math K routine, practicing counting pennies with her math pocket.
Here’s the rest of the Hodgepodge week:
1. Someone needed a little sparkle in her scalp – still working on getting that out! | 2. the newest Your Backyard DVD! | 3. Building Nana’s work | 4. Putting together a package for a pen pal | 5. Note left on my coffee pot so Middle Girl could make Daddy some hot chocolate before work | 6. The wise man found behind the couch pillow on Epiphany Eve | 7. Now that’s the way to do homeschool English! | 8. Counting pennies and putting them in a paper pocket.
My favorite photo from this week. The best way to do homeschool English. Maggie Hogan said that she has a #COL policy: Can’t answer phone, Cat On Lap.
- Last week I shared the Top Ten Helpful Habits of 2011. We turned to these often this week as we got back into the routine.
- Oh! and I’m hosting a giveaway! Enter to win a copy of Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts!
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses…Camera Phone Friday hostess Dawn Camp @ My Home Sweet Home and…
Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Today, we’re getting ready for cousins to visit! How about you? Are you back to schooling?
Looks like another wonderful week! I love your favorite photo- that happens a lot here too:)
And glitter in someone’s hair? Hmm…that’s happened here too!
What a nice surprise this week! I definitely need to get some shelving to organize the books that are taking over the upstairs.
Yes, someone needed a sparkly crown and she’s had it for days now…*sigh* I have to admit it is pretty 🙂
Oh, wow! I think your wrap-ups are getting even better each week…and I didn’t think that could be possible. So much fun and so much learning. You sure are a model for a teacher! I love seeing your life.
Phyllis, you are such a wonderful encouragement to me! Now you know it wasn’t all pretty around here. It was a little hard to get back into the routine after the holidays (math!). I always find it’s easier to only expect the basics then get excited if we are able to add in any extras. It was a busy, busy week. Thank you, friend.
I love your homeschooling posts. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. I’ve been looking at Tapestry of Grace recently. Currently we use Sonlight, and I love that, but really love the idea of having a more unified year next year, with one graduating, 2 in high school level and one in upper elementary. I like what I see at Tapestry of Grace. Thanks for your great review I read. 🙂
Karen – we started our homeschooling with Sonlight and loved it but then felt the same as you mentioned above. We are in our fourth year of Tapestry and do love it. TOG offers a smorgasbord of learning – meeting so many learning styles, ages, stages. So glad you found my review helpful. You might find Barb-Harmony Art Mom’s comparison of Sonlight and Tapestry of Grace helpful: https://www.thecurriculumchoice.com/2009/11/sonlight-vs-tapestry-of-grace-our-experience/
Thanks! I’ll check her comparison out. 🙂 Many thanks.
We start back next week-thank you for the encouragement.
Dear HodgePodge: Yes, it was a very busy week! As always, I love the pictures! Also the children.
Looks like a really awesome week! Love the special plate and the vegetable skeleton. I have it on my pinterest too and hope to do it sometime.
Looks like a wonderful week!