We go through some SunButter in our household. Our typical order is two 5 lb. buckets each month. However, this time we thought we’d give Crunchy SunButter, available in 1 lb jars, a try. We’d been wanting to. And so, we placed an order for six 1 lb jars of crunchy.
Crunchy SunButter made our day by arriving after lunch on a Tuesday. A whole glorious box full. So begins the story of crunchy SunButter at Hodgepodge.
First, all the clean spoons were used up out of the silverware drawer. Plenty of tasting going on! At snack time, the same thing happened. I enjoyed another spoonful myself as a late-night snack. The next morning, Hodgepodgedad took a crunchy SunButter sandwich with him to work.
Mid-morning, more allergy-friendly spoonfuls made it into the mouths of children.
Lunch time we planned to try a fun variation of this recipe for Peanut Butter Apple ‘Sandwich’ from Whole Foods Market – with SunButter, of course! Basically, just two, cored slices of apple with crunchy SunButter slathered in between. A few chocolate chips rolled on the outside for good measure. (Hershey are allergy-friendly for us).
Littlest Girl is allergic to walnuts and must stay away from all nuts.
I don’t like it Mama. I LOVE it!
They were a tasty hit. A few sandwiches on the side, and that jar of crunchy SunButter was gone.
Littlest Guy is allergic to peanut and egg.
Less than 24 hours. That 16 oz. jar of SunButter only had scrapes on the side. Thankfully, we have four more (one jar went home with Nana!). Plus, we’re placing another order for two 5 lb. tubs this week through Peanut Free Planet.
Maybe soon, crunchy will be available in Hodgepodge size too 🙂 Whatever variation, we love SunButter: slathered, by the spoonful or mixed up in recipes. It’s always part of our Cooking Fun and makes allergy-friendly living easy.
- For even more peanut butter recipes you can make into SunButter recipes, Southern Plate just posted a compilation of wonderful ones to try. See Peanut Butter No Bake Cookie Bites and wholesale replace that peanut butter with SunButter!
- Plus you don’t want to miss the Kid-Friendly Nut-Free Snacks on the SunButter blog. A whole list plus a downloadable nut-free list to print out. Handy! Did you know SunButter was featured on the Today Show? Be sure to watch the video for more ideas.
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