We did it! We tried making the powdered version of homemade laundry detergent. And in the grand tradition of batch sessions, Middle Girl suggested we double it!
It was easy. Just three ingredients using the Duggar’s recipe. Plus, we found the Super Washing Soda high on the shelf at the local grocery, just like we did the Fels Naptha.
We first started making homemade laundry detergent back in August, when we made the liquid version. That batch lasted five months! The next time around we made a liquid version from a recipe from Raising Olives. I shared about it in a guest post over on Savings Cents with Sense. That recipe lasted us almost two months.
We’ve washed several loads with the powdered version since we made it last weekend. And you really only need to use one tablespoon per load! Plus, using the crank cheese grater does the best job. I sure can deal with making detergent every now and then for the savings (approx $132 in our home)!
One more homemade recipe to add to the Freedom of Frugal Living!
We have been making the powdered version lately, but I used to make my own liquid version using liquid castile soap. Using the liquid castile soap makes a liquid laundry soap that does not seperate or get gloppy. I like it because it is easier to treat stains with it. Just in case you ever want to try it, here is the recipe…
Thank you Phyllis! I always love to try new things. I’m very impressed with this powdered version. It really removes the GA red clay stains.
I haven’t done this but I have been thinking about trying it. I guess I can’t wrap my brain around it actually WORKING and being CHEAPER. But you really have found that to be true?
Jamie – I did the calculations for the guest post on Saving Cents with Sense. Yes, we used to buy the big thing of All Free and Clear from Sam’s Club for around $11. I priced the ingredients for the homemade. And it ends up at a savings of around $132 a year, roughly.
It’s one of those things that you just have to try to see if you like it. Just three ingredients! And, fortunately, I have at least one that enjoys grating the soap 🙂
I have made the Duggar’s recipe several times, but I always go back to Tide or All because of their wonderful smells.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest an essential oil to add that would boost the smell (which is part of the enjoyment of doing laundry for me! =) I tried lavendar but putting a few drops in didn’t make a difference. Who else does this and which essential oils do you use?
Of course, saving money is the most important thing… I guess I’m just spoiled! =)
I have found a way to add the oil and soften water at the same time. Mix a few drops of oil to a tsp of salt and then add it with water where your Downey 🙂 should go. I love to add grape fruit seed extract it leaves everything smelling fresh. Sometimes such as when I do a load of diapers or my sons loads I will triple those amounts!
I love making my own laundry soap! I’ve been making the powdered version. It works great! I wanted to add some scent to the laundry soap, I had a free sample of Downey Unstoppables, I mixed that up with the powder, and it smells great! Though not sure I would go out and buy it everytime, maybe if I got a really good deal on it.
That’s smart Cindy!