So one day I remembered the jar I used to keep out on the counter full of what we called fruit tickets. The fruit ticket was a strip of card stock that I had printed a row of different kinds of fruit. These tickets represented variety that represented the Fruit of the Spirit.
Gal. 5:22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
I can not remember where in the world I got the idea or how in the world I came up with the idea of the Fruit of the Spirit jar. The idea though is to be an ‘intentional’ parent. One of the ways I am intentional is to put the jar in a place I am sure to see it, so I will be reminded to actually follow through with my plan. Not every time but sometimes when they bear fruit I will hand them a fruit ticket.
For example: offering forgiveness, using self-control when they choice not to hit their brother because they were really mad, obeying with a good attitude, helping without being asked, etc.. When I give them the ticket I will explain to them why they are getting it, maybe even what specific fruit they were showing. I make sure to thank them for their choice in bearing some fruit. Not every time but every so often, I also remind them that when they choose to bear fruit it is not by their power but it is by the grace of GOD through the power of the Holy Spirit that they can bear fruit.
Every couple of weeks I will collect the tickets. Each ticket is worth so many points, and I add these to the points they earn on their “My Job Chart“. The point system doesn’t need to be included for this to work. I just do it so at a later date there is another opportunity for me to be intentional and to “bless’ them for bearing some fruit!!
In case you wondered, my boys were very happy to see this jar back and to receive their first fruit ticket in a long time!! In a later post I will talk about the two other jars I have sitting in my kitchen window above the sink.
~Written by Angie
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures!
That is a wonderful idea. You are such a blessing to them and to our whole family. So proud of you, my precious daughter. Love you!
Angie – I love this oh so practical way of encouraging the true fruit of the Spirit! wonderful!