Habit of getting serious
You can send your child to the best schools available. You can use the best curriculum or teaching style. You can keep them busy with field trips and service projects, and every sport available. You can even take them to church every Sunday. However, it you are not striving to imitate Christ in your home and planting seeds of eternal value in their lives. It is all for nothing. We do not need another generation of well-rounded people with a great self- image.
What we need are parents who are willing to get on their faces before God on behalf of their children. Then stand up and lead by example. There is a battle for the very soul of your children. It has been that way since the fall of man. The tactics are the same the enemy is the same.
When will the people of God start acting like the people of God?
Let us be in the habit of taking serious things seriously.
I have a lot more to say about this, but it is hard to get it across to you since you’ve picked up this bad habit of not listening. By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on God again, starting from square one—baby’s milk, when you should have been on solid food long ago! Milk is for beginners, inexperienced in God’s ways; solid food is for the mature, who have some practice in telling right from wrong. Hebrews 5:11-14
He planted a witness in Jacob, set his Word firmly in Israel, Then commanded our parents to teach it to their children So the next generation would know, and all the generations to come— Know the truth and tell the stories so their children can trust in God, Never forget the works of God, but keep his commands to the letter. Heaven forbid they should be like their parents, bullheaded and bad, A fickle and faithless bunch who never stayed true to God. Psalm 78:5-8
Oh amen!! It’s tough. It’s worth it. I’ve been holding on to this from Beth Moore’s Daniel study this week: “Rule for victorious living: when the stakes are high, bow down low” ~ Beth Moore
Prayer for our children is to be taken seriously. And we, as parents, must be on the alert!
“What we need are parents who are willing to get on their faces before God on behalf of their children. Then stand up and lead by example. There is a battle for the very soul of your children. It has been that way since the fall of man. The tactics are the same the enemy is the same.”
Thank you Kim. This is confirmation for me 🙂
I wrote this earlier in the week. I see so many parents get to their childrens’ teenage years and seem to give up in parenting or give in to their childrens’ demands. I know what it’s like to get tired in parenting…I get tired everyday, but I have to remember what is at stake. I don’t know how the rest of mine will turn out, so I hesitate to speak on parenting, but the one thing I do know is that God loves my children more than I do and He wants them to walk with Him.
This has really been on my heart a lot lately – the need to put more of my energy into the things that are truly important and set aside many of the things that are not. Thanks for this!
Amen!! This is so good and so true!!