Let us grow the habit of running well as a homeschool mom. Here is some practical encouragement for the day to day race!
As mothers there are seasons in our lives, we can feel alone, isolated and unappreciated. It is in those times that the enemy will try to discourage us and get us to shift our focus onto ourselves instead of the goal set before us. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
You are nothing important. What you do is nothing important.
From the beginning, the enemy has been a liar and a joy stealer.
The Habit of Running Well as a Homeschool Mom
The next time you start to feel sorry for yourself…
One… know that you probably need a nap 🙂
Two… know this season of your life does not last forever.
Third… you are not alone in this journey even though it feels like it at times.
God Himself and those who have gone before you are cheering you on to the finish line even when you think no one notices or cares what you do day after day.
The book of Hebrews tell us that, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
The saints that have gone before us are rising from their stadium seats, waving their fists in the air and cheering you on. Lay those thoughts that entangle you aside and finish the race.
Finish the race!
And finish it well.
More Help for the Homeschool Mom
Here are a few challenges you can take part in right at home to help you stay the course.
– by Kim, April 2010
One, Two, Three! Love them all. Great encouragement.
I remember the first time you told me that this is just a season of life and it won’t last forever… that has helped me through many rough spots! Thanks for this.
#1 – oh yes, definitely!
With the first due to fly the coop in the next year, I have found less comfort in #2…this season won’t last forever, so I’d better enjoy it while it’s here.
And #3 is all that gets me through some days…
Great reminders!
(Husband challenge was great – I need to try the gratitude one next!)
BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you for the encouragement!!