In two weeks, I will begin my 14th year of homeschooling and I have yet to order any of my schoolbooks. That would not have been the case just a few years ago. I spent the summer getting ready for the new school year and I usually had all my books bought and ready by the first of July.
I have watched the blogosphere abuzz the last few weeks with back to school and curriculum choice posts. I have enjoyed reading a few posts here and there, but honestly, I am still holding on to summer for all it is worth. I want to grasp it just a little bit longer. Summer seems to slip by too quickly and the children are promoted to the next grade and the next thing I know there are no preschool feet running across the floor, no students coming to school in their dress up clothes, no two year old tearing up the school papers or writing in someone’s book.
The things that drive you crazy are the things you will miss the most when the days slip by and the children are gone.
Believe me I know, the oldest leaves for her second year in college and I will miss the shoes she always leaves on the floor. They drove me crazy a few years ago, now I smile when I see them.
Enjoy the rest of your summer my friends.
You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14
Make it a habit to cherish every moment that God gives you.
Thank you for this reminder!
Yes thank you! My oldest is 25, married and living in another state. My oldest daughter leaves for Kenya next month, my 3rd born is a senior!
You get the picture! I miss the toddler feet! My youngest ones are 12, 8 & 7.
Time will be gone before I know it!
I can’t even think about them living in another state yet, or going as far as Kenya. It’s hard enough sending them off to college. 🙂
Have a great school year.
Oh, what a wonderful reminder!!! Thank You!!
Love it, Kim, so true! I’m thinking these same thoughts as I prepare to send one to college next year.
Thank you for the reminder. =)