It has been three weeks since I’ve posted a weekly wrap! That’s because the past two Fridays I was sharing our 10 Days of Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages. If you missed it, I invite you to click the big button in the sidebar. This week I shared about our chalkboard desk at Heart of the Matter.
A have a little thing for chalkboards. Okay, a big thing. I absolutely love chalkboards and chalkboard paint. A couple of years ago, during a summer homeschool makeover, my husband and I asked, why not a chalkboard desk?
Sounded practical. And it is.
Join me at Heart of the Matter for the continuing homeschool makeover series and the how to of our chalkboard desk plus links to many more fun chalkboard ideas. Summer time is a great time for a project like this!
In our Hodgepodge homeschool the last few weeks…
We are done with some! We are wrapping up our homeschool year with only a couple ‘official’ days left. (But we still have plenty going on in the next few weeks as you’ll see below). We’ve finished our Answers in Genesis: Heat and Energy unit study and are working on our final project.
We’ve turned many of our Tapestry of Grace books back into the library. This is what our mantel looks like right now, some of what we are reading. We have been doing some review of our Tapestry Year 2, Unit 2. This week, that included some fun time with the learning links on their site. Why hadn’t I thought of including this in some iPad time before?
We shared several free art lessons over the last couple weeks, recipes and helpful homeschool habits. Did you know we have an index of all the curriculum reviews my husband and I have shared? A Hodgepodge review index.
Here’s a Hodgepodge collage of various phone photos from the last several weeks…
1. caterpillar buddy | 2. chalkboard desk in heavy use | 3. Middle Girl singing in big church | 4. new slow cooker! | 5. trip to Emory pediatric allergist for check ups | 6. palettes after Peter Pan hat acrylic | 7. Mr. Toad! | 8. How ’bout some fried okra? | 9. The garage was busy that morning | 10. oakleaf hydrangea blooming! | 11. time for Blokus Trigon | 12. Spontaneous ‘Welcome Home Daddy’ party.
We’ve been taking care this week. Very much a week of one step forward and two steps back. Several, including me, have been sick. The worst, Littlest Girl. Resting and getting well. Because next week are the end of the year choir performances at church and our homeschool Drama Troupe’s production of Jungle Book! Lots of practicing lines, singing, plus listening to songs that go with our church puppets program.
- I’m hoping to get to dash down to the Georgia Homeschool Education Association convention this weekend. We will see.
- Plus, the Art for Homeschool Show May entries are in and it’s time to vote!
So, in summary, some finishing up and review, lots of taking care and looking ahead.
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses! Just look at this great list…
- Camera Phone Friday hostess Dawn Camp @ My Home Sweet Home
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- and Jamerrill at Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling, plus
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
How about you? Are you wrapping the year up too? Getting over sickness at your house?
Great week even though some were “laid low” by illness….soon everyone will be feeling better and playing in the soft Spring sunshine again!
Tricia ~ I’m so sorry we didn’t get to meet today, but I am praying both of our little ones feel better soon. It’s been a long couple of weeks.
Two things…. I love Draw Squad and congrats on the new crockpot. It’s the little things, isn’t it???
Have a good weekend!
I am so sorry you have had illness at your house! Hope you are all feeling great soon! I love your collage. It is always filled with happiness. You know, I looked up Blokus Trigon and it costs $69 on Amazon!
No way Phyllis!! I KNOW we didn’t pay that much. But we have had it for a while. I’m thinking we paid less than $20 for it a Target. Small steps towards feeling better over here today. Thank you!
I really do love all your chalkboard stuff, but I’m just waiting to see you paint your WHOLE school room in that stuff soon. (You might need to look into CBAA – Chalk Board Addicts Anonymous). 😉
Hope you’re all feeling better!!!
I really may need to look into CBAA… 🙂
Here’s to winding down for the school year…I think we are all ready for it! Sending healing thoughts and brighter days…our rain stopped and the sun is brilliant. We saw dragonflies and butterflies in the yard this afternoon!
Get better soon!
Yes! Hooray for winding down the school year. Sunshine, dragonflies and butterflies sound happy! Slowly improving over here. And we found sunflowers stretching tall and one eastern king snake in our yard today 🙂