1. Field of Flags on 9/11 – Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield | 2. Using our noggins for AiG Science | 3. It’s All in the Tone @ Passionate Purposeful Parenting | 4. Dental afternoon – sealants for 2 | 5. Club Penguin Dance Party for PE! | 6. First BD cards for Eldest Girl | 7. Eldest Boy laughing at Visual Latin | 8. Tapestry of Grace reading | 9. Fudge Pie Pastel Tutorial and Recipe
Pre-K and K kept us busy, of course! 1. Slow and Steady Get Me Ready activity of the week – sorting silverware | 2. Rod and Staff K – H book cutting and pasting, rhyming and matching | 3. Can we build some words? Yes we can. (with bananagrams! | 4. School OUTSIDE!
We also did lots of Cooking Fun: 1. Homemade wheat thins (recipe to come) | 2. Crunchy SunButter and Apple ‘Sandwiches recipe | 3. Avocado luv for taco night | 4. Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese covering a funny face plate
Many thanks to Camera Phone Friday hostess Dawn Camp @ My Home Sweet Home. You can learn how to do neat photo collages from Dawn. She has a tab entitled Camera Phonography.
Laughing at one of the Everyday Learning Links to Feed a Brain with all the mess of the day framing the five.
Homeschool Meme! I was tagged by Phyllis at All Things Beautiful for this meme to answer questions about homeschooling resources. Since we started a few new things this past two weeks, I thought it would be fun to share here in our weekly wrap. Much of this I had planned to share with you, so thanks for including me in this fun meme Phyllis!
1. One homeschooling book you have enjoyed. Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson (on my book rack, above).
2. One resource you wouldn’t be without. Relationships. All those homeschool mamas, families, that went before us on this homeschool path. Their willingness to mentor, share and encourage. Those in my homeschool group, church and my online friends.
3. One resource you wish you had never bought. Rod and Staff Arithmetic 5. It just didn’t work for us. Though I dearly love their English curriculum and all my children have used it from 2nd grade on. Plus their wonderful Pre-K and K books! And, I wasn’t out much money since all R&S curriculum is so very affordable. Still, I’m keeping it for drill work. But, I’m a keep it sort of gal.
4. One resource you enjoyed last year. Tapestry of Grace. Still big TOG fans! Breaking the homeschool meme rules…
One more – a Helpful Habit we built last year: Sketch Tuesday. (Keeping up the habit of sharing a helpful habit on Fridays).
5. One resource you will be using next year. Sorry, have to share two. Because we’ve started two new unit studies. The first is Harmony Fine Arts Medieval and Renaissance Art/Music for Middle School. The title says affordable plans for busy moms and boy I appreciate that. It’s everything we’d been meaning to do all rolled together. This week we listened to Vivaldi and studied a picture by Giotto.
Part of the study incorporates this book, Draw Squad. I’ve been catching Eldest Boy with that book in his hands quite often. Then, he has the book and a pencil. It’s my new favorite. Nana’s too! She read through it when she was here last weekend. Read Harmony Art Mom’s review of Draw Squad here.
We are also loving the Digital Photography Unit Study from Amanda Bennett. (does her expression match the title of the book?) Eldest Girl asked to study this because she wanted to learn more but a few others have picked up the accompanying library books and browsed them as well.
6. One resource you would like to buy. Wordsmith just because it looks like fun with words and editing according to Cindy’s review.
7. One resource you wish existed. Some type of translator that could morph and transfer my weekly wrap words and photos into a Homeschool Tracker type record keeping 🙂
8. One homeschool catalogue you enjoy reading. Oh how I used to look forward to the Elijah Company catalog. Did you know you can still read some of their articles online? I do enjoy the Vision Forum catalog.
- Heidi @ Give Away Seven a Day
- Kim @ The Daisy Muse
- Kim @ Little Sanctuary
- Alea @ Premeditated Leftovers
- Heather @ Blog, She Wrote
I’ve tagged these ladies but I’m also asking all that might stop by to play along or at least please share a homeschool resource too. I look forward to seeing what you share! Plus, be sure to stop by and visit Kris and all the fellow Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Thanks for sticking with me in this really long post!! Wish I could say you win a prize. This weekly wrap and Camera Phone Friday posted early because this afternoon, we’re hosting a Bake and Create social for the middle school girls in our homeschool group. Plus, this weekend we are celebrating eldest girl’s birthday!
What a PRECIOUS picture of your children together smiling. Beautiful!
Definitely a new favorite! All smiles and gathered around close together. Plus all the regular mess of the day.
I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on some of the homeschooling resources you’ve used and would like to use in the future. I agree that other homeschool moms are the biggest resource of all! Glad you had a good week.
Wow, what a busy week! I am enjoying checking out the resources you shared. So many new things have come out since I began homeschooling. It will be fun combining old favorites with new finds as I begin homeschooling Andrew.