Enjoy these ideas for a Jane Austen movie night for homeschool moms. Because gathering around a movie based on a Jane Austen novel is sure to bring laughs. And sometimes, as homeschool moms, we do not need to dwell on homeschooling so much. Let’s have fun!
Are you blessed with a homeschool group? A hand full of fellow homeschool moms who are your friends? Other women you turn to for prayer, for help, for understanding on those days?
“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
~ Jane Austen
Movie Night for Homeschool Moms
I am blessed with such a group. And you know what we decided? We decided that we were all together dwelling entirely too much on homeschooling. We decided it was time for fun. Not a homeschool moms meeting but a girls night. So what did we do? We gathered for a Jane Austen movie night. Complete with tea party style refreshments and of course – tea (and coffee!)
“Thank the Lord for that!”
~ Mrs. Bennet, Pride & Prejudice
Which Jane Austen Movies?
That first night we watched Sense and Sensibility. We enjoyed it so much we got together the next month and watched Pride and Prejudice. Next we plan to gather around Emma.
“Emma, you should not make matches, or foretell things. Whatever you say, always comes to pass! You must not make any more.”
Thoroughly enjoyed this newest version of Emma. Beautiful cinematography and music. Lovely acting.
What a Jane Austen Night Might Look Like
We homeschool moms arrived at our hostess’ home roughly 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. and chatted and snacked. We started the movie about 7 p.m. so that we would have plenty of time to enjoy and then get back to our families. Maybe a Saturday afternoon might work better for you and your friends?
Movie Night for Moms Sample Menu:
- Chocolate dipped strawberries
- Fudge
- Tea cookies
- Crackers and cheese
- Fruit tray
However, don’t get sidetracked with a menu. Just pop some popcorn and turn on the movie! Make it as elaborate or as simple as you and your friends would like.
Are some of your friends not Jane Austen fans? I can’t imagine that but there may be some who have not had the pleasure of these wonderful stories. Introduce them. Enjoy, laugh, delight!
Of course if you have a hard time gathering your homeschool friends or getting away from the house yourself, you can always stay up late one weekend and have a Jane Austen movie night yourself.
Jane Austen Art for the Homechool Mom
Nana has some Jane Austen I Drew It Then I Knew It Literature art lessons at You ARE an ARTiST! You could even build in some mini moments for mom around art. As, I said, FUN!
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.”
~ Jane Austen
Which Jane Austen novel and/or movie is your favorite?
thank you!! fun recommendation 🙂
You are welcome! It is such a fun time you can design any way you’d like to.
I love this!!!
My (younger mom) Bible study partner wants to do a movie night and this will be perfect!
My favorite JA novel is actually Emma, and I love the 90’s version of the movie with Gwyneth Paltrow. Jeremy Northam makes a very convincing Mr. Knightley, whom I argue is a much better literary hero than Mr. Darcy. 😉