We welcome contributing author Melanie Robbins today…
We made a big decision a few months ago, one which will have a significant impact on our family. I will not be homeschooling my son Nathan next year. Talk about one of the most important decisions we’ve had to make as parents!
Parenting requires an incredible amount of wisdom. We are constantly making decisions regarding our children – some are minor and some are major. Some can have long-lasting effects. I am so thankful I am not alone in my parenting. Besides my husband, I have my heavenly Father, who loves my children even more than I do. I’m thankful that he is omniscient {all-knowing}, omnipresent, and omnipotent {all-powerful}. I’m thankful, too, that He can and will do all that He promises in His word. I cling to those promises! One of my favorites is His promise to give wisdom to those who ask. {James 1:5}
Please read more at Passionate Purposeful Parenting today…
Melanie is wife to Tyler; married 15 years. She is a homeschooling mom to two precious children. She is passionate about many things including her faith, living life purposefully, and parenting. Her passions and a prompting from God led her to start Passionate Purposeful Parenting, a website created to try to help encourage and equip parents. She is a lover of wisdom and enjoys spending time with friends and family (especially in God’s creation), camping, attending cultural events (doesn’t happen too often), and being physically active. We are grateful that Melanie also contributes here at Habits for a Happy Home.
Dear Readers, I would love to hear any thoughts/feedback you have after reading this article. There is so much more on my heart that I could have shared, but didn’t want to make the article too long! We are continually seeking God and His will for our children. Fasting and much prayer occurs during the process of making these big decisions. We do believe He led us to homeschool both our children these past three years and they have been such a blessing — even with the challenges 🙂 But now my husband and I believe He is leading us to send Nathan to Christian school and to continue homeschooling Rachel. Only God knows where we will be next year! With God leading it’s exciting and there is peace! 🙂