With this simple encouragement, you can start building memories around the table with your family. Turn off the electronic devices, talk to each other and make this time together a priority.

This table is one of my favorite pieces of furniture in the house. It has now become more than a place to share a meal. We have also laughed, entertained guests, schooled, and made many memories around this table. The children have grown up before my eyes here.
When we first bought the table some 14 years ago, the wood was softer than I thought it would be, so as the children did their schoolwork it would leave an indention. When I first discovered the softness of the wood, I have to admit I was a little upset, but now I would not trade those marks for anything. Over the years, I have even discovered their names carved into what they thought was a secret place along the edge.
Building Memories Around the Table with Your Family
There is something very special about gathering around a table. God Himself will gather His children around a table for supper one day.
Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
Revelation 19:9
May I take a moment to encourage the generation who is coming after me to make supper a priority in your home. If possible, protect this time for building memories around the table. I know it can be hard with church and school activities. But with planning and preparation, whether supper is at four in the afternoon, or eight in the evening, it can be a wonderful memory maker for your family.
Has your table become just a place to dump stuff? If so, may I encourage you to clear it off, and begin making memories around it. And please turn off the TV, cell phone, electronic devices and talk to one another.
More Encouragement for Family Meal Time
And if you need a little help planning mealtime try emeals. I have been using it for a couple of years and love it. You might also like Paige’s How to Make a Month of Meals for the Freezer.
Kim ~ littlesanctuary.com
first published February 2013 in the Habits for a Happy Home section
Wonderful! Nothing takes the places of that time spent together around the family table. Such great memories.