This business of play. It’s a dirty job. But someone has to do it. Because play is a child’s job.
And mud is a magnet. Dirt and water mixed together become paint.
It becomes a fairy garden. Or, of course, a pie. Many a pie I made in my childhood days.
If only us adults could view it that way. Get down close and dig. And see it as a gift.
2271. If only we could let them play. And count the blessing of a downstairs shower.
2272. A baking soda soak for those jeans just might do the trick. And Mama can use half a bag of wipes on those shoes. They’ll be new again for Sunday.
These and all the delicious gifts of childhood. The leftovers from play…
2273. Poptart crumbs where they shouldn’t be
2274. Sunbutter® ball droppings
2275. stacks of clean, folded but yet to be put away clothes
2276. mud surprise
2277. a successful move for Grandma and Grandpa
2278. him, home again
2279. date night talks and decisions made
2280. rainy Saturday morning and no place we have to go (rain making more mud puddles!)
2281. a family trip to the bookstore to use a Christmas gift card
2282. an afternoon of shopping for all the upcoming events. Dresses found, marked down from over $100 to $12
2283. hand me down flower girl dresses that younger sisters will spin and twirl in for Easter
2284. cleaning Tuesday afternoon’s mud off littlest’s shoes in prep for Sunday morning
2285. two doves, all fluffed, snuggled close on a mimosa branch
“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful! ~ e.e. cummings
What blessed children who’s Mama counts these things as blessings!