“Let them once get in touch with Nature, and a habit it formed which will be a source of delight through life. We were all meant to be naturalists, each in his degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things.”
– Charlotte Mason
My family and I were privileged to enjoy this Easter study last year. We plan to enjoy parts of it again this Easter.
You can focus on the Easter story over the course of a week, a month or longer – using this ebook study in the way that best suits your family. Authors Cindy West and Melissa Leach say, “Our hope is that you will read a selection from the Bible…then get outside to find sweet signs of the Author.”
Join me at The Curriculum Choice for a review of this wonderful resource plus a giveaway of five copies!
Gorgeous picture; that boy has his “handsome on……”