A long time ago we bought a screech owl/kestrel bird house.
And some nuthatches have nested in it! One of them seems to be ‘sweeping’ the top of the house while the other stays in the house. To hear the white-breasted nuthatch call, click Cornell Lab or Ornithology.
Here are the pictures:
Do you have nuthatches in your backyard?
We have at least three nuthatches and we noticed a few weeks ago that they were busy stashing sunflower seeds in the moss on the tree trunks in our frontyard. I looked it up to see what they were doing and if this is typical behavior and here is what the Cornell site said, “If you see a White-breasted Nuthatch making lots of quick trips to and from your feeder – too many for it to be eating them all – it may be storing the seeds for later in the winter, by wedging them into furrows in the bark of nearby trees.” Bingo! We are also always surprised with how loud they can be for such a little bird.
Love our nuthatches.
Loved seeing your photos!
Dear Eldest Boy
(I feel like I am writing to a storybook person) These little birds are my most favorite too!
The Oldest Nana