It all began in January…
It’s a very fine day! Yes, a very fine day! A fine day if we keep our heads!
Well, actually, practice for Alice in Wonderland began then but our time with the drama group began almost three years ago. Thanksgiving and Christmas plays, Peter Pan, The Little Drummer Boy, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Believe and now Alice in Wonderland. We are also privileged to be involved in church drama productions.
We are so thankful for volunteers and our homeschool group for offering such a wonderful opportunity.
Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh look at the time!
I don’t think I have to list all the benefits that come with weekly drama practice:
- public speaking
- watching for cues
- respect for other actors
- graciousness when you get or don’t get the part you want
- memorization
- fine arts
- sometimes, studying a new time in history, a new play author, new music
- choreography
- friendships
- the sheer fun time of acting!
{But I just did list them, didn’t I?} Though that’s not nearly an exhaustive list.
Look! She doesn’t have any leaves!
How about this? Both my two eldest girls get to go together. (Certain that youngest girl is a drama candidate soon 🙂 )For this Mama, that means one drop off and pick up for two children. In a busy household that is definitely a plus. And, this week, I got the privilege of being a green room volunteer. So I got to see what all it takes to really do a production well. Continuing education for me! Wow, those homeschoolers!
Aren’t the sets, costumes and props wonderful? All volunteer time from drama parents.
Tea time!
Also, with our drama group, extra routines are built in.
This time around that is a a dowel and sign language routine. (above photos from Christmas production)
Learning sign language and coordinating dowel sticks to Our God by Chris Tomlin!
That, I’d say, is the best benefit of all. Christ centered learning that is an extension of our home. Prayers before and after each practice. Productions that are God honoring.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, … It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
The above scripture quote posted by our Drama Troupe Director during the week of performance. Many thanks to her and countless parent leaders and volunteers. But, I’ll leave you with another quote. This one from the Queen of Hearts, pictured above…
Off with their heads!
love, love!! i love the embellishments on the *cups* – i so wish we lived closer to each other!!
Aren’t they wonderful?? Not sure, really, what is my favorite. It’s all so wonderful and so much FUN. Oh, yes, Jenn – I sure wished we lived closer! We could tea party all the time! Thanks for stopping by friend.
Seeing this play/production is one of the great benefits of being a grandparent! Good luck to all…especially that “rascally wabbitt” and the beautiful lavender flower!
What an impressive drama troupe you have!! It was wonderful just getting a glimpse. Being a drama person myself, I can vouche for all the good learning that comes out of being involved in theatre.