We are early in the adoption process. We have felt led to adopt for years but recently felt like God gave us the “green light” to start the process!
We are planning on adopting through our State via a private agency. We want to adopt a child under the age of four. A child has to be in the State system a certain amount of time before the State will relinquish parental rights in most cases. So anyway all that to say, if we get to adopt soon, our son or daughter is born and “out there”.
So, I was thinking about this the other day. I was wondering what they might be doing. What is he eating for lunch? Is playing out side? Is he sick (like their soon-to- be brother and sister are far too often this time of year)? Does he have a favorite animal like his silly sister? Does he still have a pasie like his sweet brother? Does he have a favorite meal or drink too many cups of chocolate milk like two other kids I know? Does he love to dance (if not he will-we dance a lot in our family!)?
Most of all does he know we already love him or her so much? Does he know we think about him all the time? Does he know that every time we pray his big brother thanks God for him and prays for him? His brother is crazy about him! Does he know that his Daddy and I have been to several meetings in preparation to adopt him, that we are about to spend start going on a weekly basis to a training class? I got lost trying to find one of those meetings, drove all the way around Atlanta on 285, and cried thinking about him or her all the way around the city!
I paint custom art and started as a consultant of a direct sales company to help with some of the financial needs of adoption. I work late at night and sometimes (and only if necessary) early in the morning. I have even made sales calls – something totally out of my comfort zone – but the whole time I thought of him and it was worth it! We have even started cleaning and arranging our home in a way that would be conducive for our impending home study. His Daddy has rearranged his work schedule to go to meetings and training at the adoption agency.
Just as I would do anything imaginable and more for the children God has given us, we will do whatever we need to do for this little boy or girl whom we have not even met! It doesn’t make sense but we already love him so much! We already think about him! And we are working in every way possible to make him apart of our family!
But I am sure he has no idea! He has no idea that there is a family out there who loves him like crazy and is working to what we need to do to get him in to our family! I can’t wait to one day tell him what all was going on “behind the scenes” before we meet! I can’t wait for him to see how we pursued him, want to know him and make him apart of our family!
So this got me thinking about God’s love.
Sometimes I doubt His love. Sometimes I wonder if He really cares about me.
But He reminded me that I too am adopted:
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have recieved the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry “Abba Father!”
-Romans 8:15
And He has pursued me more than I could know! He paid a much higher price! When I have no idea and can’t see Him, He is there. He is working. Even when I can’t feel Him, He is working and He is pursuing me with His love!
I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. -Jeremiah 31:3
Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding us that we are adopted through Jesus; how awesome that it!