Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3
Over the last couple years, my gracious God has been working in my heart about being more intentional with Scripture memory. Oh, I’ve gone through spurts where I would come up with a system and regularly be memorizing, but then I have always fizzled out. Last year, I heard about this book and devoured it as soon as I could get my hands on it. It was so convicting, and at the same time so uplifting and challenging. Who wouldn’t want to have large portions of God’s Words to us packed into our minds and hearts?! The challenge, though, for a busy mom of two littles is WHEN to have time to sit down and memorize. I tried writing verses on chalkbaords and scattering them throughout the house, and that worked for a while; but then came along those days when I would run out of time, or not be feeling well; and the chalkboards didn’t get updated…
…I hate to admit it…for weeks at a time.
And then, I received this for Christmas. I know, my Jeremy spoils me 🙂 The other day, I was once again gently reminded by my Jeremy of the fact that I REALLY need to get back into my Scripture memory again. As I thought about how I could incorporate that into my days, I thought, why not use my phone?
I did some searching for Bible memory app, but none of them had exactly what I was looking for. And then, I remembered that my phone already has an app to record voice memos!
I was so excited to find out how easy it was to record myself reading a passage of Scripture and then play it back over. . .and over. . .and over. . .and over again.
I haven’t been doing this very long, but the benefits I am reaping are already great! I memorize well when I hear something over and over again; so this is perfect for me. AND, I normally play it back using the speakerphone; so not only am I hearing it over and over and over again, but so are my boys!! My oldest is picking it up quickly! So, why not pick up your smart phone and use it for something other than Facebook and Instagram?
Now, you may be saying “But, I don’t have a smartphone!” The whole point of this, really, is to find a system that works for you and memorize! I can assure you that it will reap benefits beyond what you can imagine!
~ Written by Amy @ JerAmy
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures!
The voice memo! Brilliant!! Oh and for little ears to hear too. Thanks for sharing Amy 🙂
Great idea, Amy! =)
I don’t have a smartphone, but I still have something on my phone where I can record. Now I just have to figure out how to use it! I learn visually, so maybe I can just text Scripture to myself…..
I’ve started memorizing Romans this year (with Ann Voskamp), and she recommended the website Scripture Typer. (I think they also have an app, but I don’t have a smart phone.) For anyone that is a tactile or visual learner, it’s a great way to embed Scripture into your brain and heart!! 🙂
Thanks for posting this!
Wonderful idea
Brilliant idea! So simple, but I’d never have thought of it!