Enjoy these ideas for simple snow science for your weekly homeschool lessons. Includes a sample of a homeschool schedule with nature study, writing, math, art and lots of hands on learning.
Dear homeschool mom, here is a simple reminder that one bad day does not determine the week. Midweek I was lamenting that we we not where we needed to be. I had been sick and we’d gotten behind. We hadn’t really accomplished anything. Then, we got past midweek and things picked up. Looking back over our days, I can see some learning successes.
This week was the one with all the Ss.
Simple Homeschool Science Lessons in the Every Day
The girls and I all had a dental check up early in the week. It was like a science field trip because youngest girl got to play dental assistant as she was waiting for me to finish up. Ms. Debbie let her squirt the water and use “Mr. Thirsty”.
One morning we got totally sidetracked with an impromptu bubble experiment. It just may turn out to be someone’s real science fair project displayed at our homeschool group’s science fair next month. My floor is still sticky 🙂
We finished our Answers in Genesis Our Universe unit! It has been such fun to discuss NASA, ISS and astronauts. To close up the unit we’ll be making a model of the solar system.
Homeschool Science Lesson Plans: Writing
Another science assignment for the older three is to pick an astronaut to research and report further on. Sixth grader picked Neil Armstrong, third grader chose Sally Ride and seventh grader chose Rick Husband.
We used a printable graphic organization from the Tapestry of Grace website for each of the older three to organize their thoughts. (I have shared many posts on our experience with Tapestry, including a full review at our sister site, The Curriculum Choice.)
Hodgepodgedad gathered all around to view some shuttle launches via YouTube.
Simple Snow Homeschool Science Lessons
Here are some really fun and simple snow homeschool science lessons you can enjoy!
Snowed In Homeschool – Snowed in! Snowed in! What will we do when the winter blues set in and we are stuck inside? Here at The Curriculum Choice we are taking a look at what to do for a Snowed in Homeschool! Fun activities, crafts, games, learning ideas and more!
How to Draw a Painting Snowman with Nana – Not only can you make the snowman just like you’d like him, you can design your background, plus – decide what your snowman will paint! Nana’s How to draw a painting snowman with chalk pastels is perfect for your cozy, winter homeschool art time.
Snowflake Bentley Homeschool Study – This winter homeschool snowflake study combines the beauty of winter with the fascinating life of Snowflake Bentley.
Homeschool Nature Study on Crystals – Winter has arrived! If you have snow and ice around then now is the perfect time to do a homeschool nature study on crystals. If you live in warmer climates then we have some ideas on growing your own crystals.
Snow Outdoor Hour Challenge – In addition to a snow Outdoor Hour Challenge, learn how to catch and study snowflakes, how snow crystals are formed, learn to make your own snowflakes with a special recipe, a frozen spider web hunt, snowflake art and more!
Take a Silent Winter Walk!
Science in Nature Study with Silhouettes
Silhouettes in Nature: We tromped around in the snow! and it was the perfect opportunity for an Outdoor Hour Challenge on Winter Weather and Tree Silhouettes. Plus we’ve been really enjoying all the birds coming to the feeder.
Simple Math Homeschool Lessons
Third grader is still asking to do sample Teaching Textbook lessons online. I think she just may be using it next year. Maybe a homeschool convention purchase in early May. She is still doing well in her Saxon lessons. Sixth and seventh graders are still moving along in Teaching Textbooks. But we have hit a few bumps. A few hair pulling sessions over certain concepts. I’ve heard good things about the ‘Key to’ math curriculum. And look what came in the mail yesterday.
Strange Phenomena: Now here is what I had to make sure got into writing. As sixth grade boy is doing his Key to Decimals, he says, “this Math is cool. I love this Math!” Then, seventh grade girl prefaces what she says with, “Mama this is probably going to be the weirdest thing you ever hear but…can I do another Math lesson?”
Plus, remember last week I shared about the living math we are learning about through Cindy West’s Living Math ebook? Guess what?? The older three have all worked on fractions here and there this week. The older ones are multiplying and dividing fractions. Third grader is learning the basic concepts. Look what we did at lunch one day. Fractions with quesadillas!
Art in Your Homeschool Schedule
Nana treated us to a pastel tutorial, Love Birds. This afternoon we are making Valentine pictures to share. My aunt takes them and decorates around the dining area of the rehab unit of the local hospital. This is a wonderful habit we enjoy each holiday. A way to share all that extra, beautiful artwork!
How to Add in Life Skills and Cooking Fun
We are still working on laundry days. The older ones are doing theirs pretty much on their own. I’m stepping in to fold. Kendra’s idea of each having their own basket really helped. It was time to graduate the older three to larger laundry baskets.
Need a quick something for tonight? Last Friday we made Pizza Bites
Double Chocolate Cookies (from a box of cake mix)
Quesadillas by the youngest two! They filled the tortillas with cheese then I did the grilling.
Help For When Homeschool Mom is Sick
Someone else please step up during sickness: Mid-week I found myself calling for back up. I’ve had some sort of sore throat thing going on. Felt very much wiped out. So, the children did Teaching Textbooks on their own. Then, before lunch, Thomas Kinkade stepped in. I pulled out the Drawing Basics LifePac from Alpha Omega. We have had this for a while but had tucked it away. It was like brand new!
So, get the picture. I am on the couch and Thomas Kinkade is teaching the girls. Whew. Put your feet up Mama.
Then, youngest girl, on her own, found an old room time tape her Daddy and I had made. Long ago, back when the older two were toddlers. We recorded a stack of Five in Row books for the children to listen to then read along. She stayed occupied most of the morning.
The house was a wreck but children were happy 🙂
Winter Homeschool Physical Education Ideas
A birthday party at the local aquatic center counts, right?
Plus all that sledding and snow angel making.
I’d say the week could be summed up in this way: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
How about you? What were your successes? Have you enjoyed some snow science homeschool lessons lately?
-published February 2011 and updated January 2024
Wow, there is so much rich goodness here that it is going to take me a while to let it soak in so that I can bring some of it to my little homeschool. I love the way you let wonderful things happen on their own so that they can come to fruitition in the form of a science fair project. I like the way your family shares their learning experiences like watching the shuttle launch together. You know I like the kitchen math lessons and of course the pastels!! The pizza bites look like something I am going to have to try. You home always looks so warm and inviting and your family so loving. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Phyllis you inspire me. You know I have always admired the living math in your home. It’s taken me a while to incorporate it (or realize we were doing it with cooking and other things). You build so many wonderful learning experiences in your home. You encourage me so!
Tricia, I hope you are feeling completely normal by now. What a fantastic week despite the illness, though! Miss Priss loves to make cheese roll-ups for lunch: one tortilla, a generous sprinkling of shredded Cheddar, 30 seconds or so in the microwave, roll up and eat! And those double chocolate cookies look yummy, too. If my eldest asked to do another math lesson, I think I’d pass out. Good going!
I love Phyllis and I want to hug her neck! Great weekly roundup, HodgePodge Mom!
Love you, too, Nana.