Here is how to spring forward when you fall back. This habit will help you take advantage of time change. We get a bonus extra hour in the fall when the time changes from daylight savings to standard time. You can use this extra time to benefit your morning routine and your homeschool day!
How to Take Advantage of Time Change: Spring Forward When You Fall Back
I am excited about turning back the clocks this fall and not only because I get an extra hour of sleep. I am going to go about my business as usual. What the gift of an extra hour will bring to my morning routine! Here is how you can take advantage of time change too. The extra hour can bless your entire homeschool day.
For the Homeschool Mom: Simple Steps To Take Advantage of an Extra Hour
- Go to bed at your normal time
- On Monday morning, you will be able to get up an hour earlier without feeling like it’s an hour earlier.
Benefits of Time Change For the Homeschool Mom
- A longer quiet time with the Lord
- Enjoying the hush and stillness of the early morning
- Time to do a few little chores
- A shower!
- Homeschool planning time
- A walk or other exercise
- Time to read a book and snuggle on the couch with early risers
- Time to tuck something in the slow cooker for a meal later
I’ll admit I started the homeschool year off getting up and at it – and slowly slid in my morning routine until I had lost about an hour. Being 7 months pregnant might have something to do with that. I have missed having that extra time in the morning before the day slams into me. I used the time change last year to get back in the groove and it was wonderful.
So how about you? Could you use an extra hour in the morning? What would you do with it?
PS ~ the kids will also be up earlier, so they might get to stay up a little later Saturday and Sunday to balance that out 😉
By Kerri, first published November 2010
Same plan for me! As the daylight wanes in the AM, my motivation to get up in the AM does as well, so I’m ready to have a respite for a few weeks until it again is back to “in winter I get up at night and dress by yellow candlelight. In summer quite the opposite, I have to go to bed by day”