- Pray for perspective change! ~ Facebook, Twitter and blogs are good but on bad days can be a curse. I get all wrapped up in what others have and can afford to do. Don’t compare…. instead compare yourself to the rest of the world that has far less that you do! America has warped our definition of wealth. You are wealthy if you have a roof over your head, clean water to drink and clothes on your body…. seriously! Most of the world can not say the same. Being able to think this way is a God thing…. I used to whine about having “no money” when my husband and I’s combined salary was 3x what we make now. Now, to God be the glory, I feel richer than I have ever been! I mean that too! God has transformed my mind through this season! So in short PRAY! Pray that God would give you His perspective and allow you to see how He has provided so much for you already!
- Give ~ You will never “have enough” to “start giving”. Mark and I would always say, “when we pay off debt we will start giving more”. If you can’t “afford to give” now you never will. I am not talking about a mere 10% in tithe either. It is so freeing to give what the Lord has put in your heart to give! It is a huge faith step showing that you trust God to meet all your needs! Mark 12:41-44 “ …for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put all she owed, all she had to live on.”
- Trust the Sovereignty of God ~ Money is of no object to God. He made the universe with its many galaxies and billions of stars. I don’t think He stresses over $1,000 or even $100,000. He wants your heart. He wants you to love Him first and manage what He has given you…. whether that be a lot or a little. So if you are in a season of little, trust that God has you there for a reason! As Paul explains in Phillipians 4 keep “pressing on” but remain content with whatever God gives you. Seek and pursue Him rather than a larger pay check. In His timing He will give you more income, if it so pleases Him. Hebrews 13:5-6“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you,” so that we may confidently say, The Lord is My Helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?”
- Cut yourself some slack…. this is hard! ~ This season has been rough. Making “a gallon of lemonade out of a lemon” …. making bills, groceries and gas for a family of 4 on our budget has been very hard! We have to be VERY structured and disciplined to make it all work. At times it can be completely overwhelming and consuming. I think when I look back, I will wish I had just cut myself some slack, relaxed and enjoyed the season. My greatest struggle is thinking I could put our family in a homeless shelter for forgetting that $5 off Kroger coupon at the house. I will almost make myself vomit over small mistakes in our day to day life. I don’t have that much control!!! God is still reigning over our life! Trust Him with the details and RELAX! “Oh Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For you have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with PERFECT faithfulness.” (emphasis added) – Isaiah 25:1
I could have added stay in the Word, pray, keep serving, don’t forsake relationships, or some practical advice on money management but theses were/are the 5 that are most difficult for me. I feel as if I could write a book on this topic. God has taught me so much! I have watched my husband flourish as our spiritual leader through this trial. He is the strong one. I am the one who totally freaks out! I am learning though! I think I’m getting better. This is a season for us. I know God has us here for a reason because He has shaped us and taught us so much! Struggle is a guarantee on this earth. I joyfully accept that we have been allowed to “suffer with Christ” in even the smallest way!
To God be the Glory!
I totally agree and if we keep our focus on the things of God everything else will fall into place. God is our provider, but we just need to wrap our way of thinking around His and believe he is more than capable of doing so! Thanks for fresh inspiration, Blessings!
Amen!! Such true and beautiful words………. LOVE, FAITH, TRUST, the right PERSPECTIVE, GOD’S WORD, GIVING, FORGIVENESS!!!!