Even though I am WALKING with HIM there are so many times that I immediately think of the worst thing when my kids get sick? Why do I pray for God to heal my kids, hubby or myself and while I pray the thought pops up “what if He doesn’t”? Why do I get anxious for no clear reason? Why do I worry when I know I have the Lord on my side? Why do I struggle with What If’s? Why can one part of me be so confident in the Lord, Sure of His Love and Power yet another part of me worries and get’s anxious?
I DON’T WANT TO DOUBT, WORRY, BE ANXIOUS!!!! I want to trust HIM wholeheartedly!!!!!
Oh, Lord you know exactly where I am, What I am thinking, Who I am on the inside and the outside, You know my faith, You know my doubts, You know it all and you LOVE me despite it all!!!!
I choose Lord, no matter my struggles, doubts, what if’s, anxiety to KEEP walking with you, talking to you, trusting you, seeking you, praising you, hiding your word in my heart. I choose you LORD, no matter my circumstances and I always will!!!!
Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.–Ps. 55:22
Walking with HIM even in the most difficult of circumstances will always be better than walking through the best of circumstances without HIM!
*This post was from my series called “Today is for Relection”, if you would like to read more from my series please click HERE
I’m reading everyone elses post today, for some inspiration, thanks for sharing,… I need to do some menu planning! that’s where I’m headed next, your post about practical dinners!Thanks again, for Walking with Him!
Beautiful post and picture! Thanks Angie.