We’ve been acting like homeschoolers over here. See, I’ve always loved the freedom of a homeschool schedule. This time it has afforded us rest. While we are usually full swing back to school, we’ve been taking care. Coming directly off the heels of most of the Hodgepodge with a month of flu, Littlest Girl had surgery to remove tonsils and adenoids.
Taking Care
We’ve been through it before with Hodgepodgedad and Eldest Boy. But there’s just still so much to learn. It has been a very rough time of ups and downs. Allergic reactions, tears and gentle hugs. I think today, one week post-op, we just might could celebrate being over the hump.
Ultimately though, this was a fresh reminder of why we homeschool. So much extra love between everyone. Plus realizing how very blessed we’ve been with caring friends, family and a covering of prayer. I’m so grateful.
1. Sisters and Teaching Textbooks | 2. New library books for Tapestry of Grace | 3. Back to piano lessons | 4. More Tapestry books and some just for fun | 5.& 6. Harmony Fine Arts Plans – artist and composer studies – these plans are on sale through today!! | 7. A few more things after lunch | 8. Home Art Studio – Acrylic Abstract
Those Wonderful Extras
In between the doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol, we one by one, here and there, started enjoying all those enriching resources that bless our homeschool. And, rather than share in detail about it today, I will share a whole week full – next week. Five days worth!
Home Art Studio
But I do want to highlight Home Art Studio! We enjoyed another lesson this week. Remember I mentioned that we are doing projects together as a family – all from Grade 3? This week we pulled out those new acrylic paints Nana gave us for Christmas and enjoyed another wonderful afternoon of art!
Big Things
Lil’ Buddy’s first lost tooth. (Pause here for a sniffle from mama. Isn’t he too young for this? No, I have to remind myself that all the others were five when they lost their first teeth.) Eldest Girl got rubber bands for the last stages of her braces. Only a couple more months! (She also made us a brownie in a cup recipe she found on Pinterest. She’s collecting recipes to make. I think this is turning into a Culinary Arts course! Project-based learning?) Also pictured above, Littlest Girl feeling well enough to do some projects. That’s definitely a big thing!
An award. Thank you friends! We’re so very honored to be counted amongst the others in this list!
A quick wrap up for you:
- New! A Chalk Box pastel tutorial
- Back to Homeschool Help from Curriculum Choice authors <- don’t miss this! Pin it for always.
- An app review. Remember Ranger Rick magazine?
Five Days of How to Fit in All the Homeschool Extras
Guess what? A whole week! There will be a very special giveaway and more! I’ve talked about how we are able to enjoy so many enriching subjects. Next week I’ll share in detail, joining up with iHomeschool Network. Won’t you come back and join me? I hope so…
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- No Fear Homeschool High School at The Daisy Head
So have you or any of your children had tonsils out? Bless your heart… Or, what answers are you looking for in next week’s series on Fitting in the Extras? Kindly comment here…
We have had a very slow week, too. Congratulations on your Top Ten award…we certainly think you deserve it!! I am glad Littlest Girl is feeling better after so difficult a week. I will have to check out that art program…all together sounds great….once I finish my Pastels project list. 🙂
Phyllis – it is quite an honor to be listed with YOU!! What an inspiration you are. I think you will love Home Art Studio. We’ve been enjoying our lessons together. Fun to try new techniques. Looking forward to sharing a review in the next few weeks.
So sorry Littlest Girl has dealt with allergic reactions and other yuck, but yay for finally being on the mend! And yay on the award! 🙂
Congrats on the award!
I’ll be praying for your little one to fully recover from the sickness and surgery!
The paintings look wonderful!
I’m going to have to check out your sidebar Slow Cooker Recipes!!
Happy Homeschooling ♥
So sorry you’ve had a rough week/month…You are so right though – it’s nice to be able to give each other extra love and support during hard times.
Absolutely lovely art projects!
I enjoyed reading your post. Sorry to hear of the sickness in your home but I echo the sentiment of the need to take care being a wonderful reminder of why we homeschool. Also, I love your photo collages. Could you please share with me the program you use to make them?
Hi Robin, thanks for your sweet comment. I use Mosaic Maker from Big Huge Labs. It’s free and all I have to do enter the link to my Flickr set and then create it. Other options for uploading photos individually and with a Facebook album too http://bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php
Stopping by just to say that you still managed to have a full week…wonderful to have the freedom to do what you need to do and still fit in some learning. You are my fav crafts/projects blog…happy award time!
We are just looking forward to getting back to our routine after three weeks off.
Thank you so much Barb! It is wonderful to be able to have some learning around those taking care times.
Thank you so much for your post. I really enjoy them & learn, also. This is our 2nd year to HS & my daughter is in the 6th grade. She has hit the stage of life where all her friends are getting cell phones & what I call “gadgets”. She got a kindle fire for Christmas, which is wonderful for reading books & playing educational games…but, what do we do to stop the peer pressure & being caught up in a technological world with “gadgets”. Also, I do believe she would watch TV 24 hours a day if allowed, but I do monitor TV time in a strict way. If left to me, there would be no TV or telephone service of any kind in my house. I need all the advise I can get.
Also…congrats on your award!!
Hi Debbie – I understand that peer pressure with technical gadgets. We have an iPad. It’s a wonderful learning tool – makes it handy for bringing some of our ebooks we use to our kitchen table. But we have some guidelines about technology. Our devices only have internet access at certain times of day. And we aim to stick with our regular schedule. There are two times when the children can have a technology ‘reward’ – if their Before 8:45 checklist is completed well (we don’t stick absolutely to the time) and at 4 pm – if school work is complete for the day, jurisdictions are picked up and a few of the regular chores are done. It’s been years worth of building habits but it is very much worth it!
A few posts for further reading which might help: https://www.yourbesthomeschool.com/2012/07/ten-parts-of-the-hodgepodge-homeschool-schedule/
and https://www.yourbesthomeschool.com/2011/09/taming-the-wild-west/ and
I hope this helps some!
Thank you so much…I am trying to get this under control, but sometimes feel like fighting a losing battle…especially on the week-ends! I guess I can keep the thing under lock & key:) We got the Kindle fire for reading & education, but the texting is going to have to go!
Ugh, little ones and surgery can be so hard!! But I also love the freedom of HS to take it easy and roll with the punches. I do hope you are over the hump and that recovery will be quick.
I’m a huge proponent of rest, especially in homeschooling. I think moms today don’t allow their kids to rest or get well on their own because they have to get back to work. I loved the homeschooling schedule because it allowed us to sleep in when we needed it or do some extra activities on a particular day.
See you in a couple of weeks at Beech