The calendar turned to March a week ago. March. We are usually finished with our school year by the first week of May. That’s because we start homeschool the last week of July. We choose to do this so that we can have the freedom to take off when we’d like to, refocus our December learning, and so we have built in time for just such a year of challenges.
But this year is different. We’ve had months now of sickness, procedures and sidetracks. Despite all that, we are successful. We have learned. The titles of the stack of books above are appropriate for when we need to catch up – Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door, Start Here, Do Hard Things and Crazy Love.
Today I share our plan to catch up. We truly aren’t behind. We are just about where we need to be. We just need to refocus and fit in those lovely subjects we let go when folks felt bad. And that’s what we did this week.
We are getting the basic three Rs completed successfully. In fact we have finished English!! Fifth Grader, above, completed her English book. She’s doing the final review and using the iPad as a dictionary. Her big brother and sister both finished their Rod and Staff English books a couple of weeks ago.
Celebrate Successes – Assignments Already Completed
I mentioned this in Turn Negatives into Positives. I’ve found that I spin my wheels if I focus on all we need to get done or all we haven’t done. However, if I list the success…
- 9th, 8th, 5th grade English finished for the year!
- Hands on projects complete and ready for our family table at our homeschool expo
- Stack after stack after stack of books read
- most math concepts mastered
Yes, we have a few sick again this week! So, I declared reading afternoons. And we caught up on some Tapestry of Grace reading. Little ones practiced reading with favorite Dr. Suess and more. The eldest ones tackled history and science. Eighth grader finished several Apologia assignments and made a list of needed items for upcoming experiments.
Have a Plan But Be Flexible
Sunday afternoon we gathered our calendars and had our weekly meeting. I explained that while the older three had already finished their Rod and Staff English for the year, that we were behind in a few subjects. I asked for their help in catching up and having a different sort of schedule this week.
Get Up Early
Yes, we are homeschoolers but we can get up early. It gives us more time to catch up!
Triage Assignments
Determine what needs the focus – from all those clamoring for your attention. Start with a list of all that needs to get done. Hit the urgent. Save the others for another week.
1. Beautiful days late in the week drew us outside to look for moss, lichen and mushrooms for Handbook of Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenge. | 2. An entire afternoon of Visual Latin | 3. An afternoon of Strauss with Harmony Fine Arts | 4. And of course, an afternoon making cookies!
Make an Afternoon of It
This week we finished the basic subjects in the morning. We read our ‘One More Thing After Lunch.’ Then we spent an entire afternoon on a subject we needed to catch up on. One day it was Apologia Biology – fitting in extra assignments. Another it was Visual Latin. We can devote entire afternoons to one subject while making sure we are still covering all those basics we need to do every day.
Making a salt dough model of Mt. St. Helens. Shaping and painting! Read my review of Volatile Volcanoes at Curriculum Choice.
Just Do It
Even if it goes into the evening. Even if it takes the whole day. Better to do it now because those spring days are coming!
Practicing for the annual talent show at the Homeschool Expo hosted by our local homeschool group.
Head to the park, pull out the paints, make cookies. You’ve worked hard and are on the road to catching up. Time to celebrate!
I did take my advice and incorporated all these six simple steps for success. Maybe you are where I am too? I have a free ebook. Return of the Routine: Six Simple Steps to Success.
The Lord will work out His plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Psalm 138:8
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- No Fear Homeschool High School hostess Connie at The Daisy Head
- Family Friday Link Up with Jamerrill at Holy Sprit-Led Homeschooling
How about your homeschool – are you on target to finish on time or are you playing catch up too?
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures!
Thanks for the encouragement. I love how our weeks can vary from week to week while we do what is most pressing.
Blessings, Dawn
I love seeing your weekly posts because they always leave me with a big smile. It is like a mini visit with your family and it is a breath of fresh air! I especially love your volcano model!
I am sorry you guys are feeling bad again. I will be praying for your family’s restored health and energy. Built-in catch up time is smart!
I agree Phyllis – built in catch up time is smart – I love your family’s example of review weeks. Thank you so much for prayers. We are down to just one feeling puny. And this gorgeous weather today is cheering us on. Lots accomplished with this approach and a productive morning today. Thanks again 🙂
We are on track but we built in LOTS of down time into our school year because of Mr. B’s outside activities. He works hard on the days he has school scheduled and then makes up for missed assignments in the evenings and on the weekend….which is the beauty of homeschooling for high school.
Loved glimpsing your week…
That is so smart to build in lots of down time- what a blessing to have these freedoms in high school because of homeschooling! And your Mr. B has very full days! This week has been successful and we have tackled a lot. Eldest boy finished a set of courses on this morning. We are cruising!
Well you have done quite a bit try to focus and that more and not get overwhelmed by what hasn’t been done or what needs to be done.
You have some great advice here. My personal favorite? Just Do it! I hope you’ll consider adding this to my end of the week link up, Its a Wrap.
I like the model of Mount St Helens. I was camping just outside of Seattle when it blew. We actaully heard it. My father thought it was dynamite and since we were already packing to leave hurried us along. We figured out what it was after we were on the road and the radio broke in with the news.
I stopped in from the ihomeshool link up… I’m so glad that I did. Because I’ve been having a similar year to yours and wondering what to do about it. You have some excellent tips and I’m downloading your e-book! Thanks
I know what you mean about about going into “survival” mode when you’re dealing with outside issues. I hate it when I let those wonderful extra-curricular subjects slide, but sometimes you just have to. But it’s great to pick them back up again:) Sounds like you’re getting back into the swing of things!
Oh, I hope you will all soon feel just great! Sickness is such a drain on a family and on a homeschool. You seem to be catching up well, though.
We, too, are trying to ‘catch up’ after illness and other issues. And it’s worth working hard to do it, just like you said. We were even going at it Saturday afternoon, but after 5PM homeschooling was outlawed. LOL We all really need a bit of time to unwind before the Lord’s Day.