Enjoy these ideas for a year long tree nature study for your homeschool. These are fun and easy ways to learn with the whole family in your very own backyard.
Last year we followed the seasons with our red bud tree. Prominently center in the classroom bay window, we relished its pink blossoms, small heart-shaped leaves, dangling seeds. We learned so much with that tree nature study! It was hard to leave this front yard beauty behind. We’ll always notice its changes. Still, we spent some time on the southern evergreen, the magnolia, just last month. It made us curious. We thought we’d study this tree over the course of the year.
Year Long Tree Nature Study for Your Homeschool
Then, five-year-old noticed the buds followed by the new leaves on the backyard river birch. It’s become her tree. So, we are studying two trees this year! An evergreen magnolia and the backyard river birch.
River Birch Tree Nature Study
- We all enjoyed the suggestions for study listed on the notebook page. Who isn’t drawn to the invitation of sitting beneath a tree, listening for the leaves rustling from the wind and tuning an ear to a bird’s call? Besides the fact that it was a beautiful spring morning.
- Five-year-old noticed a spider’s web and was pleased the spider had picked her tree. I shared in our Signs of Spring Outdoor Hour Challenge how she……came running in last week: “Mama! The tree! The tree in the backyard had buds a few days ago – now it has its leaves!” I smiled at the fruits of nature study.
- The spectacular bark is nice and curly, which made it hard to make a rubbing. So, the leaves were better to rub.
That truly is a wonderful feeling. When the children make discoveries, like new leaves on a familiar backyard tree, on their own. Simply because they are in the habit of noticing and enjoying nature study.
Southern magnolia
The magnolia, near the tennis court at the front of the neighborhood, well, it may look a little greener to us since it’s spring. But we didn’t notice any of the distinctive and fragrant buds yet. We did borrow some of the thick, long leaves to study up close.
Two trees to study in our homeschool for a whole year. (We almost chose the dogwood too. Oh, so many trees, so little time. But, there’s next year). This tree nature study gives us the privilege of watching for changes, noticing a creature home, appreciating beauty.
More Tree Nature Study Ideas for Your Homeschool
- A Redbud Tree Art Lesson
- A Year Round Seasonal Tree Study with Art
- Simple Ways to Study Nature – First Day of Spring
- Outdoor Hour Challenges with Homeschool Nature Study
- Homeschool Outdoor Hour Challenges Using the Handbook of Nature Study
Which tree do you like best? Or would it be hard for you to decide too?
first published April 2011
We just cut down our magnolia last fall….messy, messy, messy and it shaded prime garden space. I did love the evergreen leaves, the fragrant blossoms, and the shiny on one side/soft on the other leaves textures. I just didn’t like sweeping up the messiness. 🙂
I love hearing that your daughter has HER tree for the year. I think she picked a good one (we picked a birch too). I will look forward to reading more about your trees as the seasons pass by.
Thanks for sharing your link with the OHC….always a pleasure to visit.
Magnolias are so pretty! I enjoyed reading about your nature hour 🙂
I love this idea. Where did you get the Seasonal Tree Study printout?
Hi Cheri – we enjoy nature studies with Handbook of Nature Study. Wonderfully enriching. I believe this print out was from the spring ebook. But you can find many free printables here that would work: http://www.handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/p/freebies.html