It’s that time again…time to make the meal plan, grocery list and do the shopping. I am so glad to have a new tool at my disposal to help with this! If you missed the original post in the series, you can catch up here, but you don’t need to. In the original post, I […]
Search Results for: what's for dinner
What’s for Dinner? Part four – presentation
4 One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. 5 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. [b] 6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. 7 […]
What’s for dinner? Part 3 -preparing
Taste and see the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8 You’ve planned your meals and you’ve purchased the food, now unfortunately that food is not going to get out the pantry and cook itself, so you’d better get to it! Sometimes it feels like I spend the […]
What’s for dinner? Part 2 – purchasing
I’ve gone back and forth with myself on what to post for this portion on purchasing your groceries. With the coupon craze full steam ahead and the availability of information on the web about how to get the best deals at an all-time high, I felt like I wanted to write a disclaimer before I […]
What’s for dinner? Part One – planning
If your kids are anything like mine, you hear this question more than once a day. All the things that go with feeding a family can take a bite out of your day. There’s the planning, the purchasing, the preparation, and if you have any energy left, the presentation. Over the next few weeks, I […]
You ARE An Artist: What’s On Your Thanksgiving Table?
What’s on your Thanksgiving Table? Thanksgiving is just around the bend, or shall I say, “Over the river and through the woods”…so I thought that we might indulge and paint what would be part of your Thanksgiving feast! On our table: Down in the southern states, where we are from, we have “Dressin’”, not ever, […]
Help for Picky Eaters
If you have a child like that is a picky eater, hang in there. Here is help for picky eaters with a few things that seemed to work the best. My first two children were what I considered “normal” when it came to eating. They each went through a “picky eaters stage” sometime around two […]
A Morning Routine for Homeschool Mom, part one
So what does a homeschool mom morning routine look like day to day? This story starts early in marriage and continues in a series. I have been inspired by Kerri’s multi-part, What’s For Dinner?, so for the next few weeks I’ll be writing about the homeschool mom morning routine. Today, I’ll start with a story… […]
10 Habits for The Family Table
The habit of family gathered for a meal is one that spills over and blesses in so many other areas of family life. Today, I share several helpful posts from our authors to make 10 Habits for the Family Table. The incredible gift of the ordinary! Glory comes streaming from the table of daily life.” […]
Freezer Meals for Your Slow Cooker
This time last year I made it my goal to cook dinner for my family more often. You can read about it here. I was living up to my promise to my family until my son was hospitalized and our lives got busy with doctors’ appointments and tests. I knew I needed to get back to providing […]
Sunday Savings in Kitchen Essentials ebook Bundle Sale
I am absolutely thrilled to have our Sunday Savings cookbook included in this week’s Bundle of the Week! ~ Disclosure: if you purchase the Bundle of the Week I will receive a portion of the sales. Please see our disclosure policy. From meal planning and freezer cooking to organizing your kitchen and preparing your own […]
Ultimate Guide to Housekeeping Habits
Here at Habits for a Happy Home we are not all about sparkly, spotless homes. I hope that you have seen, through our Day in the Life series this month, that we are regular sorts of people. Each one of us struggles. Just as our ‘About’ page says, “My hope is that this blog will […]
The freedom of frugal living
Every now and then I need to make fun of myself. See, I’m afraid I’ve become that stereotype. That bread-baking, homeschooling, make-your-own mixes type of mama. Really, it was a slow, years-in-the-making process. Now, simple, money-saving steps are just part of my life. First we started homeschooling. From our third child on, cloth diapers saved […]