I came across this verse the other day in Job:
He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass, And He has put darkness on my paths. – Job 19:8
It reminded me of another verse from Hosea, one of the most beautiful love stories of all.
Therefore, behold I will hedge up her way with thorns, And I will build a wall against her so that she cannot find her paths. She will pursue her lovers, but she will not find them. Then she will say, I will go back to my first husband, For it is better me than now! Hosea 2:6-7
The first verse is from Job. If you are unfamiliar of the story of Job it is a book well worth reading! Job was afflicted in every way. He lost his family, home and even health. Although he was honest before the Lord and spoke his frustration, he remained faithful!
The second verse is from my favorite book of the Bible, Hosea. This book contains a beautiful story of a harlot who is bought and pursued by her husband. She leaves him to go back to her old life, but he seeks after her every time.
My husband and I went out last weekend on a date. We are at a weird place in our life right now. We have a lot of questions, hurts and… well we are just plain worn out from circumstances we have just been through. There was little flirting and over-flowing love on this date. We just kinda sat there and ate quietly. We are both feeling like Job did in the verse above in many ways right now.
Maybe you too are not feeling the whole “Valentine’s season” for reasons of your own.
God is showing me this: Sometimes He shows us love not but what He gives us but by what He keeps from us.
I do this with my baby girl. She is an adventurous one. I have to “wall her up” to keep her from the stairs or electrical sockets. To her it just looks like a wall but to me it is love. I love her so much I don’t want her to suffer unnecessary pain. I want what is best for her.
I am finding that the “walls” in my life are not just walls but God’s love. He may have taken some things from me recently, changed my surroundings and even allowed some pain. But He is keeping us on His path. He has put up “walls” to keep us here. It is out of His love and mercy that He is allowing us to stay on His path. His path is full of life, joy, truth and freedom!
So although I may not “feel it” I will rejoice! I will thank the Lord for His love even in the darkness! I will thank God for the thorns and vines He has allowed on this path because they represent His love!
Trisha is a wife, mom, friend, artist, blogger, couponer, homemaker, cook, and bargain shopper…. through God’s amazing grace and love I live for Him!
For more about her check out her blog: writingaboutthejourney.wordpress.com
Thank you for this Trisha! Those hemmed in and walled in times are not fun. But if I really think about it, I can look fondly on them. Those were the times the Lord was protecting and guiding. Just as you’ve shared.
Thank you for sharing and for being so open and transparent! Praise God that you know Him and that you trust Him and know He is working in the midst of all that is going on!