Everybody thinks Adventures in Odyssey is for little kids. Sadly, until about a year ago, I did too. Until I heard an episode of it via His Kids Radio on SkyAngel. And let me tell you, it is NOT for little kids.
For Christmas, I received the Adventures in Odyssey Official Guide and Producer’s picks from the first 20 years. I was impressed.
Adventures in Odyssey Review
A couple days ago when I was reading the Official Guide, I read that Adventures in Odyssey is intended for ages 8-12. I was shocked. That was so far off from my original guess, before I heard it. The reason it’s intended for that age range is they handle some pretty heavy issues. Issues such as death, adoption, sacrifice, etc.
My favorite episodes include, but are not limited to:
- Greater Love
- A Lesson From Mike
- Connie, parts 1 and 2
- Sunday Morning Scramble
- Isaac the Chivalrous
These are my top 5. If you would like to know more, check out the Adventures in Odyssey website, www.whitsend.org
Oh, and by the way, my favorite characters are Wooton Basset and Bart Rathbone 🙂
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