Bet you never thought you would be compared to a funnel or a jar, did you? Well as believers we have the choice to be either one or the other. Both the funnel and the jar were created for a purpose, but it is up to us how we use them.
Jars hold things; water, food, juice, nuts and bolts, medicine–I could go on and on. Funnels on the other hand were not meant to hold anything, they help us to pour a substance from one container to another. You can’t pour something into a funnel and expect it to stay there; it is going to flow out the bottom and if there isn’t a vessel in place to catch it, you will have a mess. Jars on the other hand are great for holding things, but if it isn’t properly sterilized, liquids or food that stay too long will spoil and grow all sorts of terrible stuff.
It’s the same with us; God created us for a purpose, but it is up to us whether we fulfill our purpose or not. Are you being a jar; just letting Him pour and pour into you until you are full. That’s alright for a while, but what happens when God wants to put something new in you? Are you so full of old stuff, that you can’t hold the new?
On the other hand, if you are a funnel, then you are allowing the things God pours into you, to flow out to those around you who are in need. Paul tells us, “we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” (2 Cor. 4:7) We are a vessel created to be a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Our purpose is to spread the Word of God and His love to everyone we meet. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ep. 2:10)
When God comforts you, it so that you can comfort the hurting around you. When he blesses you financially, it is so you can be a blessing to those in need. He heals you, whether it is physically, mentally or spiritually, in order for you to tell others what He has done for you and give them hope that He will meet their needs also. Some people will go anywhere, anytime just to hear the Word preached or taught. They take notes and have all kinds of books and CDs, filling themselves with knowledge; but, what good is all that knowledge if it is never shared. Sooner or later it becomes stale and dry. When you are a funnel you don’t have to worry about running out. When God sees you are allowing Him to flow through you, instead of trying to hide Him away, then He will continually pour living water through you and refresh the thirsty world.
So what’ll it be, funnel or jar? Let’s all sing together, “let it FLOW, let it FLOW, let it FLOW.”
~ Written by Beth, “My husband of 46 years and I recently retired from full time ministry and we are looking forward to discovering what God has in store for the next part of our journey. I am a very proud mother and grandmother and I love to encourage others through the word and my life experiences. My life verse is Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; I choose to rejoice and be glad in it.”
This is truly a beautiful post. God did create each of us for a purpose and all of us – when we come together – being the instrument he created us for – make up the whole body of Christ for the world to see. Thank you for this! It is a great reminder that even if I am a nail on a pinky toe – I have a purpose…a beautiful purpose.
I really love this post! The analogy is a great one and I will be sharing this with my family.