On a recent family walk, the nearly-three-year-old insisted on pulling the wagon with his older sister inside.
Thanksgiving for My Life with Five
Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with benefits… Psalm 68:19 I’ve been thinking about how busy and crazy the holidays usually are. Holiday commitments on top of our regular, daily hodgepodge. For that reason, I’m so grateful for this week of Thanksgiving. Time to take a break from school work, time to bake, […]
Habits for a Well-built Home: Guest post by Sherri Johnson
Sherri first joined us here on Habits for a Happy Home with words of homeschooling wisdom in Mentors, Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are. She brings new encouragement today. My friend, Sherri… Proverbs 14:1 says the wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Our family […]
Picture this!
A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty Photos make great gifts. They are easy, personal, and depending on how you do it – inexpensive. We have always given photographs as gifts, especially to parents and grandparents. You still have time to make one of these simple photo gifts for Christmas. There […]
Green Anole
Yesterday a green anole got in the house.
1 2 3 Learn with me!
I did preschool with my two younger siblings we did cards that said: upstairs, jump, one foot and walk. They thought it was fun!!! that is a pic of the youngest boy and me after pre-k!!! bye!!!!!!
Thankfulness & giving links
Some more good finds! Made a birdseed wreath – I’m so excited this is peanut free and safe for our Hodgepodge! Thanksgiving Thankful Countdown – little strips of paper to cut and put into a jar. Examples: I am thankful for my family – Play a game together. I am thankful for my grandparents – […]
A Silent Scream
I scream, does anyone hear me? I scream louder, still it seems no one hears me. How can I scream so loudly yet not be heard? It is a silent scream, I scream. It is a scream that says, Why Lord? It is a scream that says, When will it stop? It is a scream that […]
One a Day: Slow the Season Down
Planning and Goal Setting Part 2 “We should make plans – counting on God to direct us.” Proverbs 16:9 What if…in this season of thanksgiving…What if we thought about one person per day. One family member, one friend or one co-worker. All those on our ‘need to get a gift for’ list. Start now, before […]
We interrupt…
…the regularly scheduled posting to announce and celebrate a brand new, happy, healthy baby boy! Kendra delivered sweet Camden last week. She, Eric and the three big brothers are enjoying an early Thanksgiving. Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. ~ Psalm 127:3 Please feel […]
The Story of Habits
Just over a year ago, in September, 2009, Kendra had an idea for a blog. Back then she wrote: Most of us probably have a picture of what we believe a happy home looks like. I’m not talking about white-picket fences here, but rather the day-to-day reality of a happy family. Is your home characterized […]
Preschooler Pastels
5-year-old wanted to teach a pastel lesson. So, of course, 3rd grader and I sat at the table as she taught us. We grabbed the instructed colors, and she started her lesson. “First, draw a small M,” She said. Then she showed us how to add a pink body, arms, legs, and we made a […]
No wonder church drama play
Hello! I’m back! and I’m here to tell you about the church drama play! and I got the part I wanted! my part is Emma here is a list of the parts: Emma, Josiah, Ms. Keri, Shelby, Mr. Bucksley, Bud, Michelle, Pastor Neal and Narrators:1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 bye!