Loving like Father……………doesn’t that sound like an impossibility. To love like our heavenly Father, the creator, the one who spoke and IT all came into existence with such color, complexity, uniqueness and variety. The one who KNOWS what was and what will be . He knew that selfishness, laziness, idolatry, greed, that every kind of sin would […]
Practical Communication
The habit of building Parent/Child relationships I have to have practical. It’s the way I work. This applies to many things in our home. It has to be easy. Otherwise… it usually won’t happen. My need for practical is especially true in communication. Specifically, one-on-one time with children. How in the world is it possible […]
Giving thanks through Him
I love summer break. Reading books, having friends over, going to amusement parks, conferences, parties, etc. (#29-#35) I also love…#36 The Rebelution!#37 Good times with sisters 🙂 #38 New blogs I’ve found and enjoy#39 A newly organized classroom #40 Trips to the library#41 Summer air#42 A “cool dude” little brother and#43 1 Corinthians 3:7-11
Recipe for preschool fun
Part two of Preschoolers as Part of the Action. P.S. Big kids love this too 🙂 Ingredients: •one or more preschoolers •bowls, spoons, cups •dish detergent for bubbles •water, of course. Maybe a squirter •towels, art smocks •possibly a change of clothes •adult patience
Behavior Journaling… updated
I knew when we started the behavior journals that it would have to be a flexible process. After three weeks of ups and downs with the journaling, we’ve made one significant addition.
What’s for dinner? – an update – the coupon binder
It’s that time again…time to make the meal plan, grocery list and do the shopping. I am so glad to have a new tool at my disposal to help with this! If you missed the original post in the series, you can catch up here, but you don’t need to. In the original post, I […]
Sibling Sleepovers
Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, Part 2 The curly-haired, stuffed dog is tucked under her arm. She opens the linen closet door a crack. Out roll two sleeping bags. With her favorite quilt making a train behind her, she has all she needs for the weekly sleepover. A sibling sleepover. After Mama and Daddy have […]
We have a winner!
Wow! We had great response to our spring cleaning giveaway! We used random.org to choose from those who left a comment, and the winner is…
habit of planting and praying
Mark 4:14-15“The farmer plants the Word. Some people are like the seed that falls on the hardened soil of the road. No sooner do they hear the Word than Satan snatches away what has been planted in them. 16-17“And some are like the seed that lands in the gravel. When they first hear the Word, […]
The Habit of Laughing
(I am the one on the end in the scarf enjoying a good laugh =) I see laughter as a gift from God! When I laugh with my family and my friends and it makes our time together even better!! You may not feel like laughing or think you have anything to laugh about because […]
Brothers and Sisters Best Friends?
The habit of building sibling relationships Each and every one so different. Five unique children with their own gifts. Each with individual needs. When Kim dubbed us the Hodgepodge, she was right. And when you have such a mix – even with less or more of a mix – this becomes a daily challenge… “Get […]
Behavior Journaling
Even though I checked the category box entitled Habits for Happy Kids, I must confess my kids aren’t all that happy at the moment. But I’m hoping that will change. See we’ve had some behavior issues sneak in on us the last few years, mostly resulting from lazy parenting on my part. Sometimes its easier […]
Spring Cleaning giveaway!
We’ve posted a lot about the habit of spring cleaning, both our homes and our hearts, these last couple of weeks. I’m participating in a Curriculum Clean-Out hosted by Homeschool Creations that will help you do both of those! I’m personally offering a FamilyTimes Virtue Pack that’s a wonderful tool for parents to make most […]