Part two of What About the Little Ones? My friend, Kellie, posed this question: I love, love, love this idea! I do have a question. Do you have a volume of CDs that you create? Say a few CDs with different content that you recorded? Answer: Yes, we do. (So read on those of you that are […]
habit of kindness
Do you ever have moments in your life that you wish you could redo? I know I do. I wish I could go back and tell my twenty something self a thing or two. I know one simple thing I would tell myself would be to show more kindness. My personality has always been one […]
God is Worthy!
God is WORTHY The word of my week will be WORTHY. Definition of worthy: Deserving God really impressed that upon my spirit one day in church. Worthy, HE is Worthy, HE is worthy of our sacrifice, our praise, our worship, our complete devotion, our time, our thoughts, our prayers, our service, our hearts, our spirits, […]
Fast Food for Slow Sundays
We all want peaceful Sundays, right? So, you’ve gotten into the habit of being ready a little at a time throughout the week. You’ve planned for the unexpected. Let’s say now that you’ve gotten your family to and from church. Everybody is all loaded back in the car, on the way home. “I’m huuun–greee! What’s […]
Tapestry of Grace in Workboxes
We delved into workboxes at the same time we started an Olympic unit study last month. Doing both new things together made for a good transition. I wondered how workboxes would work out when we returned to our Tapestry studies. Here’s a sample schedule to show you how: History reading – book in a box […]
The habit of listening to God’s warnings.
Not long ago I was reading first Samuel chapter 8. I know these verses well. They have spoken to me in the past and continue to speak truth and warnings about going our own way. Israel demands a King so they could be like all the other nations around them. Samuel, the prophet warns them […]
Redeeming the time
I am venturing into new territory because I am about to share something personal and I don’t know how it will be received. My prayer is that you will find something useful here, because I am stepping out of my comfort zone 😉 As wives, mothers, women in general, we are usually multi-tasking, or as […]
The Habit of Encouraging One Another
Romans 1:12 That is, that we may be mutually strengthened and encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. 2 Corinthians 1:4 Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind […]
Spring forward: A seasonal assessment
Are you longing to paint your toenails and pull out the sandals? Have you been thumbing garden seed catalogs like me? Or does getting ready for spring make you want to pull your polartec blanket up over your head and hide? Yes, Daylight Savings Time is coming soon. Easter is just weeks away. Time to […]
Divide and Conquer
My oldest boys are 17 months apart. Most of the time it is an enormous blessing to have them so close. But there are some times when their closeness begins to wear on us all. Whether they are plotting mischief, scuffling over a toy, or just not getting along… there are occasions when it becomes […]
Honor your father and your mother
Growing up, Wednesday nights weren’t always church nights. I wasn’t a G.A. I didn’t know all my Bible verses. Wednesday nights were for sailing. For racing. The whole day I’d check the tops of the trees. Was the wind good for tonight? Then, leaving late afternoon, driving the hour to the lake. The tilt of […]
Planning to be spontaneous – ready to roll
Have you ever said no to something just because you dreaded the thought of getting everyone ready and out the door? I have 🙂 Tricia had a fantastic post about getting ready to get out the door. What about after you’re out the door in the big wide world? So many unexpected things can pop […]
The real deal
I do not know how many of you have heard of Matt Chandler, the pastor of The Village Church in Dallas, Texas. If you have not read the Chandlers’ story, you should. Stop right now and read the two links below. You will not be sorry. You will be inspired and challenged to be in […]