Following God and Farming Satan’s Permission to Sift You like Wheat The Down-to-Earth Gospel for Parenting I Take Joy | Keeping Sabbath Rest in our Daily Lives What Jesus Taught Me About Walking Away from People You must live by example. You must live by integrity. Your children must be able to rise up & […]
Thanksgiving Gifts
A – All these ages together. B – Beach. Need I say more? C – Children, all five. Crammed calendar – full of blessings ahead. D – Date nights. Oh how I sometimes live for those! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. Psalm 118:1 E – Evening read […]
Family Holiday Fun Around Atlanta
This past weekend, we went as a family to the Georgia Aquarium. We have annual passes so that we can go at a moment’s notice to enjoy the exhibits. We also had a fun time posing by the life-sized holiday ornaments at Pemberton Place in front of The World of Coca-Cola. More from Pemberton Place […]
Gift Ideas at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party!
Welcome! Follow my Gift Ideas Pinterest board! What is the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party? *If you are a blogger this is a great way to share your content, increase your followers, and have your pins repinned! *If you are NOT a blogger this is a great party to find the BEST homeschool ideas, resources, projects, […]
Color-By-Number Holiday and ABC Worksheets
I’m sharing about a favorite resource for our youngest two children over at The Curriculum Choice! Color-By-Number Holidays by Lauren Hill at Mama’s Learning Corner has changed up our homeschool morning in a delightful way! “That was fun, Mama! Can I do another one?” (by the boy who is not one to stay long and […]
LEGO® StoryStarter Set Review
Don’t miss the $100 LEGO® Education gift certificate giveaway at the end of this review! Perfect for Christmas presents! LEGO® Education StoryStarter set is very easy to use for all our ages and a wonderful introduction to story building, language arts and creativity. Our older middle and high school children also folded into the learning. The […]
Preschool to High School at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Homeschooling Children of Multiple Ages – Joys and Challenges
This week has been one of those weeks I have truly felt – yep, we are homeschooling multiple ages. Both the joys and challenges of our age range. Earlier in the week I had the privilege of being on a panel of fellow mamas talking about this very subject. We discussed joys, challenges, how we […]
God is good
I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Two years since the tragic accident, the phone call in the middle of the night; the long, 500 mile drive north; tears finally coming as I entered the hospital lobby. Two years since I stepped into the ICU room where my critically–injured child was lying in a […]
A Worry-free Life
The Bible tells us that the Lord provides for the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air without a moment of worry from them and that we can feel confident He will provide for us, as well. But how often do we worry still? How often do we fret about tomorrow and […]
Great Gifts for Chalk Artists
In hopes that pastel chalks will be painting a broad swath of color in your lives after Christmas (or any special occasion!), we offer these gift suggestions to be wrapped and waiting for you and your students! Today I will share Great Gifts for Chalk Artists from chalk pastels to paper to storage. Each of […]
Thanksgiving Fun at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinning Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Mid-Term Homeschool Assessment
Remember a few weeks ago when I shared about finding the heart of homeschool? “…I have also made a purposeful change. I have been asking the Lord to bless us. Because He has shown me in many ways “…you do not have because you do not ask.” James 4:2 Today, along with Collage Friday photos […]