We welcome Amy Waters to our group of authors here at Habits for a Happy Home. You may remember her from when she shared her wonderful gift idea using the Jesse Tree Advent. We look forward to her sharing with us each month now… What are you hungering and thirsting for? Have you ever made […]
Last Minute Homeschool Curriculum Funds Giveaway!
The 1st Annual “Last Minute Homeschool Curriculum Funds” Giveaway Welcome friends! We are excited to bring you a giveaway designed to bless homeschooling families with “last minute funds” to use to purchase curriculum in their homeschool. This year is the very first year and we have three amazing prizes! We are giving away $750 in […]
Preschool and Toddler Resources at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party starts every Friday […]
Homeschool Reorganization: Simplification and Reordering Priorities
What? Just a couple weeks in and already reorganizing? Yep. That’s because we started slow and steady, savoring summer. (We still are!) Then we started adding in a little more with language arts. This week we are almost full-fledged back to homeschool with extracurricular activities on top. But at the heart of our reorganization is […]
Around the web…August 2013
The Galottis ~: BEAUTIFUL CHURCHES MAKE HOLY CHURCHES It is true, then, that a beautiful church makes a holy church but only in as much as the men and women of the church are clothed in the beautiful garments of Christ’s righteousness. What Would Happen if the Church Tithed? | RELEVANT Magazine If anyone, then, knows […]
Get a Huge Hodgepodge of eBooks with Omnibus!
It’s the resource of all time! The Homeschool Omnibus from iHomeschool Network is jammed with resources for your homeschool year. ~Affiliate links are included in this post because I contributed my ebooks to the iHomeschool Network Omnibus. This means if you purchase the Omnibus through my affiliate link that you will be supporting Hodgepodge. Please […]
Homeschool Omnibus is an Insta-Library of Resources!
~Affiliate links are included in this post. This means if you purchase the Omnibus through my affiliate link that I will earn a portion of the sale because I am a contributor. Thank you! See the full list of iHomeschool ebooks and buy now: –> This sale ended 8/25/13 There are many resources in this […]
Fun Inspiration at The Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party!
Welcome to the party! I have the privilege of co-hosting the Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party each week with these wonderful ladies: Jamerrill @FreeHomeschoolDeals Jenn @ Daze of Adventure Toni @ The Happy Housewife Staci @ Motherhood on a Dime Tricia @ Hodgepodge So your pins will show up on all five sites! And the party […]
Annual Hodgepodge Homeschool Photos
We have this annual homeschool tradition – a student photo with the First Day of School Sign. First we do a simple pose. For many annual photos the children would pose on the front steps. But this year we decided our homeschool room bay window would be a good spot for the Hodgepodge Homeschool Photo. […]
Well Planned Day Family Homeschool Planner Review
Planning the homeschool days for multiple children can be overwhelming. Especially when teaching kindergarten, second grade, sixth grade (middle school!) and two high schoolers. This year, however, I have a wonderful tool… ~ I was given a Well Planned Day Family Homeschool Planner in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any […]
Homeschool Super Heroes – Free Interviews From Your Favorites!
So, you’ve been planning out your curriculum, you’ve watched the deals for the best time to buy math curriculum. You’ve even filled in some spots on your planner. But what about you, homeschool mama? Have you prepared your heart for the upcoming school year? It’s time to take a listening break and be encouraged! ~ […]
Why Do We Hate The Ants So Much?
The month of July has been ant month around our house. We’ve had so much rain that ants decided to move indoors with us. They find our kitchen to be particularly delightful, especially around my sink and on my kitchen counters. Nothing seems to deter them either. Yes, I can kill them, but within minutes, […]
Help! I’m Homeschooling! Special Bundle
Have you had those thoughts too? HELP! I sure have from time to time. Friends, announcing our latest ebook, Help! I’m Homeschooling! For over a dozen years we’ve turned to our habits as the ‘bones’ of our day. Our habits help us accomplish a basic school day and get food on the table. With babies, […]