Spring flowers are in abundance now. All around the yard, in a glass in the middle of kitchen table and lining the roadsides. Those brilliant yellows, oranges and whites are highlighted by spring blue sky or are freshly washed after rain. Sometimes, they are offered up to me by little hands.
“The best things are nearest…light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Early Spring Flowers Homeschool Nature Study Activities
The first early spring flowers appeared, as anticipated, about a month ago. We were watching for them since we knew from last year’s study which flowers to look for first. Middle Girl did a science fair project then on Which Bloom First in Our Yard? Late February, the crocus, then the jonquils poked their happy, hopeful faces out of the cold ground.
“Something deep in all of us yearns for God’s beauty, and we can find it no matter where we are.” ~ Sue Monk Kidd
Last weekend, we tumbled out the door, already tired from the full day but looking forward to a neighborhood walk at dusk.
In our yard, Middle Girl posed by the jonquils and volunteer vinca.
Pansies caught the attention of youngest girl. She remembered when we decorated the lime cake with them.
While on the walk, littlest boy found his airplanes in the sky (along with the moon).
He only is the Maker of all things near and far; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; the wind and waves obey Him, by Him the birds are fed; much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread. ~ Matthias Claudius
Before the ‘carry you’s started 🙂
Back home, a few scouted in the backyard. What they found were more rolly pollies in the big pot near the back patio.
Which then made for a fine big construction site. Flowers and dirt go hand in hand, you know.
Another morning, the children sketched the daffodils in the kitchen vase.
And this morning, we dashed out the front door because we saw a glint of white!
It’s the first white iris of spring. And look. Can you believe it? Those tulip bulbs I planted many years ago? I guess the squirrels didn’t get them after all.
“If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in nature and will realize that it is holy and sacred. We will see God reaching out to us in every wind that blows, every sunrise and sunset, every cloud in the sky, every flower that blooms, and every leaf that fades.” ~ Oswald Chambers
All quotes from the journal my daughter and I share.
We love the Outdoor Hour Challenges and this fun spring study from 2011! And you might also like Spring Nature Study with Multiple Ages.
Enjoying all the colors around here. How about you? What colors are you seeing?
Beautiful. Just beautiful. The photos…the memories…the warmth. Beautiful.
I love that your children are aware of what flowers should bloom first…this is great life knowledge about the seasons. Lovely thoughts and images today. 🙂
Thanks for sharing with the OHC.