Are you new to homeschooling? You may be wondering how you will be able to teach your school age children the three “r’s,” fit in all the other subjects, and still have time for other things? Will you be able to get to the household chores and appointments AND pay attention to your younger children? Let me assure you that it is possible to homeschool and do all these other things. I’ve compiled a list of everything you need to create the perfect homeschool schedule for your family. But first… why a schedule?

Everything You Need To Create The Perfect Homeschool Schedule For Your Family
Every family is different, and you don’t have to adhere to another family’s rigorous (or loose) homeschool routine. However, in order to accomplish some of your goals for the day, you need SOME type of schedule. (Notice I said “some” of your goals – I love goals, but they are merely tools, or means to an end, not the end itself. If the dishwasher leaks all over the floor, the dog makes a mess, and the baby is teething, you may not accomplish ALL your goals for the day. However, a schedule will help get you started and get some of those things done. The rest can be moved to tomorrow’s list.)
Three Types of Homeschool Schedulers
I have divided homeschool parents into three types of schedulers. See if you can identify yourself:
- “We’ll Get it Done by _____” has a pre-planned, hour-by-hour daily schedule with start and stop times listed down to the minute. She does not like variations or interruptions, and prefers to “get it done” before slowing down or relaxing. Children’s extracurriculars and appointments are scheduled for after school times. Her homeschool schedule dictates her family’s overall schedule.
- “We’ll Get it Done When We Can” takes a much more relaxed approach to the homeschool day and just goes with the flow. Homeschooling is part of life, but instead of the homeschool schedule dictating her family’s schedule, the family’s schedule dictates the homeschool schedule. Though she is committed to accomplishing her goals, occasionally, things happen, and the family does not get to school time. Here’s a look at how she views a schedule.
- “We’ll Get it Done Today” starts when everyone is up and ready, and goes until finished, maybe taking little breaks here or there, not worrying so much about scheduled times as about going in a certain order. Extracurriculars and appointments are scheduled when they are most convenient, with school hours being worked around them. She’ll usually finish what she wants to in the day, but doesn’t always know ahead of time when that will be.
Whatever type of scheduler you are, here are some resources to create the perfect homeschool schedule for your family:
Practical tips to create the perfect homeschool schedule for your family:
- Check out this review of a book that will help you create a schedule that is just right for you.
- Tricia outlines her specific homeschool schedule. Number eight is my favorite!
- Here are more of Tricia’s tips for fitting in all the subjects.
- I’ve always found that simple little tips can make a big difference in time management!
- Read this when you need some flexibility in your homeschool schedule to provide for rest and recovery.
- Remember to schedule some alone time just for you, Mom.
Last, but definitely not least, schedule time with God. And just talk to Him throughout your day!
Kim (aka Daisy Muse) is a former elementary school teacher, textbook author and editor, and seventeen-year homeschool veteran. She currently tutors and teaches middle and high school students at a homeschool academic center. You can find more of her musings at
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