“You can search for what you want, but you must accept what God gives.”
This was part of a conversation my Mom and I had recently. The last few weeks have shown me some of the more difficult side of life. There’s the friend who lost her husband of many decades just 12 days before Christmas. There’s the husband trying to provide for his family, but is demoted when he is made to look bad in the eyes of his boss, by his co-workers. There is the sweet new mother that can’t figure out why this precious new life will not sleep more than 30 minutes at a time. Life wasn’t supposed to look like that. That’s not what they had imagined!
We go through life trying to get what we want, reaching for our dreams. . .imagining how we think life should be. We may think we’ve got life planned and tied up neatly with a satiny bow; but then He may make it plain that what we have planned may not be what He has planned.
What are we to do when what He gives is not what we wanted? Not what we were searching for? Not how we imagined it? Look for His beauty in the trials. Lean into His grace. And sometimes most difficult of all. . .thank him in the midst of it.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thank you for the reminder…in the midst of my own unexpected life circumstances. It is always easier to get through when you know He is leading the battle. I find comfort in knowing that He knows ours needs. Thanking Him for His grace.