2010-2011: 7th, 6th and 3rd grades plus two preschoolers
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 “From Teddy Roosevelt to Sept 11th” everyone participates in this unit study approach which includes History, Writing, Vocabulary, Geography, Bible, Worldview, Arts and Activities, Literature and Music. We use workboxes with Tapestry. Read about how I am the Tapestry cheerleader here 🙂
All Tapestry posts here
- Bible – Plants Grown Up and Polished Cornerstones from Doorposts, Answers for Kids (4 volumes), take home pages from Sunday School, Leading Little Ones to God, family journaling and Tapestry worldview.
More detail in the post, Bible and Character Training.
- Grammar – Rod & Staff (3rd, 6th and 7th grades)
- Spelling – Spelling Workout (3rd, 6th and 7th grades)
- Math – Saxon 3rd Grade, Teaching Textbooks 6th and 7th Grade
- Handwriting – A Reason for Handwriting, Draw Write Now
- Science – Answers in Genesis: God’s Design for Life or God’s Design for Heaven and Earth
- Nature Studies – Handbook of Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenges
- Foreign Language – Latin with Latina Christiana I (6th and 7th graders) *updating to Visual Latin
- Art – Nana teaches pastel lessons one or two times a month
- Creation Club – monthly club for the whole family. Includes science, nature study and outdoor activities with friends.
- Choir, Bible study – weekly church activities. Hymn memorization and music for each grade.
- Drama club – 3rd and 7th graders participate in these weekly club meetings. Several performances throughout the year. Extra dowel, sign language and dance routines.
- Park Day – weekly get togethers with our homeschool group
How we fit in science & nature studies
Piano – weekly lessons for 3rd grader, 7th grader doing independent practice to maintain skill level
Preschool Plan – A mix of Answers for Preschoolers, Rod and Staff workbooks for youngest girl. Slow and Steady Get Me Ready, Before Five in a Row books, and Ruth Beechick’s Language and Thinking for Young Children for her and her younger brother.
Room time: each morning for both preschoolers.
Our homeschool philosophy and a good explanation of being salt and light
Last year: Our 2009-2010 Curricula for 6th, 5th, 2nd and preschoolers.
School room organization
I’m thinking of doing TOG next year. Forgot that’s what you did. I might have to pick your brain a bit. 🙂
Jamie, I love to talk TOG! Anytime, my friend 🙂
I love your blog! In addition to having TOG and R&S in common, we also both have 5 kids. I’m off to read some of your TOG tips!
(former Curriculum Choice contributor)