Is it time to do our science lesson yet?
We look forward to it. The reading of the science lesson during lunch. Not every day but most days we enjoy a lesson. We use several resources for all our ages. I’ll share them with you today as well as how we work them into our days – for each of our ages. In each section, I’ll share links to more how tos or reviews.
The children received a set of science books as a Christmas gift two different years. Eldest Boy specifically asked for God’s Design for Heaven and Earth for his ‘something to read’ gift.
Answers in Genesis (AiG) God’s Design for Science
Answers in Genesis God’s Design for Science series makes it something to look forward to. We’ve been through several of the unit studies that make up a year of science. Lately we’ve picked subjects to complement our Tapestry of Grace history studies. This year that is God’s Design for the Physical World.
And we study with all our ages. Yes, our older two still enjoy these and join in even though they are doing their own Apologia Biology studies. You just can’t have too much science in my opinion. The lessons are just the right length for me to read aloud to our age range.
We either push back the lunch dishes and read a lesson right there or move to the family room couches. The younger ones can play while we learn a lesson. There are questions for discussion, suggestions for an experiment. Often our favorite part of the lesson is the Fun Facts highlighted in the rectangular boxes on the page.
Fun Fact: The patent for the fax machine was granted 33 years before a patent was granted for the telephone. Remember, the first fax machine used telegraph wires, not phone lines.
There are special sections in each unit study and in most lessons which highlight an inventor or scientist. These are easy for the eldest children to read on their own for further study and often go along nicely with our history studies. For example, the lesson on airplanes in Inventions and Technology is followed by a Special Feature on the Wright brothers.
- One More Thing After Lunch (how we fit in extra subjects)
- Answers in Genesis God’s Design for Life (my full review)
Apologia Biology
Our eldest two children, 8th and 9th grade respectively, are studying Apologia Biology. I’ve shared our times with the microscope this year. The younger ones aren’t missing out on any of the action 🙂
And, for the 2013-14 homeschool year we have thoroughly enjoyed our marine biology studies with all our ages.
- Homeschool Marine Biology for Multiple Ages
- Apologia Marine Biology high school resources review
- Apologia Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day review
Nature Studies
How many times have I said how wonderfully our ‘formal’ science studies blend so well with the topics of our nature study? It’s a joy and just natural!
Field Guides, Magazines and iPad Apps
- Our favorite bird watching resources and field guides
- Ranger Rick AppVentures
- Apologia Biology Flashcard app
Science Fair Projects
We have a wonderful Homeschool Expo coming up next month with our homeschool group. We’ve picked science fair projects that are a natural extension of what we are already studying – either an AiG, Apologia or nature study topic. I’ve encouraged the children to pick something they absolutely love to study because they will naturally do the study on their own with just a little bit of help with me. It’s fun to watch how these are developing. And it’s still a debate as to whether we’ll share Middle Girl’s salt dough model of Mt. St. Helen’s on our family table or as a family science fair project. We learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed Amanda Bennett’s Volatile Volcanoes unit study!
- 10 Science Fair Project Ideas for Multiple Ages
- Volatile Volcanoes Unit Study by Amanda Bennett review
Of course science was just a part of our week. Here’s a collage with a peek into more of what we enjoyed. 1. Pirates of Caribbean and Taylor Swift on the piano | 2. She’s telling the story of Easter with the resurrection eggs she made in Sunday School | 3. That’s a serious city! |4.-7. Pictures of Afternoon Quiet Time happenings – some reading Tapestry of Grace books | 8. Amon’s Adventure: A Family Story for Easter – oh it is so exciting! |9. Viewing a slideshow of artist John Constable and 10. Listening to Brahms with Harmony Fine Arts studies | 11. A sweet Easter card from my grandmother, Mama Ann | 12. It’s puzzling – siblings gathered around a USA puzzle.
On Fridays I’ve been sharing how we homeschool multiple ages in specific subjects. Did you miss these? Writing Workshop with Multiple Ages, Nature Study with Multiple Ages, How to Homeschool Preschoolers and more in our homeschool category.
Many thanks to our Friday hostesses!
- Collage Friday hostess Mary at Home Grown Learners
- Homeschool Mother’s Journal at iHomeschool Network
- Weekly Wrap-Up hostess Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
- No Fear Homeschool High School hostess Connie at The Daisy Head
- Family Friday Link Up with Jamerrill at Holy Sprit-Led Homeschooling
Of course this doesn’t include ALL the science resources we enjoy. What are your favorites?
Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: Your Passport to Learning Adventures! A big thank you to Amanda Bennett for her generosity with Curriculum Choice readers and for being our Southern Hodgepodge sponsor this month. I’m so excited about the Discover the Brain releasing next week!
Oh, I so agree with you….my younger boys have learned so much through listening to my older kids science studies. I love your choices of science resources!
lasagna learning for sure! Your home is a prime example!
Hi Tricia – first time here! Love your post. Found you over at Homegrown Learners but we met before IRL at BEECH!
Enjoy your Easter!
Hey Melissa! Loved getting to know you at BEECH and so happy you stopped by. Enjoy your Easter too 🙂
I always love your posts, Tricia. I really need to spend more time looking into the AIG books. And the science fair project: such a fun idea – but going to have to figure out how to make that sound fun enough for the kids to want to do it! 😉
Jamie – our science fair projects are always an extension of what we are already learning. So it’s not so much extra to do really. Just more that we want to know? Or, in the case of the older children – just a topic they really want to find out more about. And I do have one that especially thrives on that kinesthetic/hands on learning. Win/win! (and thank you friend!)
Hi! I always enjoy and find so much value in your blog posts. You are a few years ahead of me in your homeschool journey and, it seems, light years ahead in your organization, planning, and just making it happen. But life isn’t about comparisons, is it?! I am inspired and challenged by you. Thanks for sharing with all your virtual friends 🙂
You mention that your younger ones play during reading times with science and such…are there specific things you’ve done to train them to play quietly? Maybe it comes with age and maturity, too. My two youngest are 3 yrs old and 5 months old. It seems challenging enough to keep my 1st grader sitting/playing quietly during reading. My 3rd, and 5th graders do much better… For the most part right now, I save some of our read-aloud items while the youngest two are in nap times. Another blog post you’ve all ready written that you can point me to?
Thank you!
Kiley – we’ve built this science into our days over several years. Starting when my eldest was about 3rd grade (I needed to mention that we don’t do any ‘formal’ science until 3rd grade!) We did one unit over a whole year. Adapted the times according to the number of children we had at the time. But the one more thing after lunch habit is one that helps us do just another subject (or more). Plus, the morning room time habit builds that skill of playing quietly. Still, there are definitely times that I’m shushing or cutting a lesson short. That’s just part of family life and homeschooling. Sometimes that is the biggest lesson of the day – building character more so than learning science. (wait on formal science until 3rd grade) (a 5 day series) (links to morning room time)
And, I think you are wise to make use of nap time! Adjust to your family’s needs at the time. Definitely! Hope these help.
I agree that you can never have too much science. Opening our children’s minds to the wonder around the them whether it is the physics of the universe, the colors of the wildflowers, or the taste of an apple…it all is the basis of a wonder in our Creator. This is the stuff that will stay with them as they grow older and they need to combat the thinking of man in upper level science courses. Loved your post and seeing how science works in your family of multi-level learners.
Hi Tricia,
I love how you push back the lunch dishes and get right back to work. 😉
We have a science fair next Friday. we are working hard at it, but I know we will be doing this differently next year. We are also reading Amon’s story. and you are right, the book is so exciting.
here is a question for you: how do you read at meal times? do you EAT at meal times? or do you read and eat afterwards?? I haven’t been able to accomplish this phenomenal task yet!!! 🙂
Now, that is a question! Depending on the day I can sometimes squeeze in a sandwich or a salad while the older ones are finishing up math. But usually what happens is I read a few paragraphs then ask a question. While the children are discussing, I take several bites. Then I read some more. Sometimes I have my plate ready and just read. Then I eat lunch after I read and we are discussing. Sometimes we all eat and then just move to the couches where I read. I guess my answer is – it varies day to day according to how it is going 🙂
I love AIG and Apologia Science!!!
Hi, I wanted to say I really enjoy your blog.I have several in highschool also. Also, one starting 8th next year. We want to study more science and get a microscope. Where did you find yours? How much did it costs?
I do wish I felt more confident teaching high-school. I was homeschooled during those years. Then took my ged, so not to good at the higher level. My girls are doing Penn Foster, and virtual high school. My son however wants me to homeschool his highschool. So I’m doing lots of reading and talking to other mom’s who have been successful. Hope you and yours have a great day!!
Hi Kasha – we were blessed to have a fellow homeschooler selling a package of the Apologia science along with the microscope. The Lord truly provided! So, keep your ears open, share with homeschool friends your need. We would really love to have this one:
Can you share a bit about how you schedule these days out? We are currently doing Apologia for our 4th year, and I’ve been waffling about continuing because I REALLY like the God’s Design series! But I see that you’re doing both, so how?! We also try to fit in some Handbook of Nature Studies (mostly during the spring-fall). More hours in my day, please, Lord!
Lauren – I love both too! We have been with God’s Design for years until my high schoolers started with Apologia Biology. Then last year it worked beautifully to do a family study of marine biology for the year – using all Apologia materials. So, last year, we pulled out some of those AiG God’s Design now and then to reference for oceans and related material. But Apologia was our main texts for elementary through high school. So basically, if we are blessed to have both in the house – one will be a main text and the other a reference. But that only happened last year 🙂
Still deciding on this upcoming year. And on Handbook of Nature Study (HBNS)… I like to pick one day a week for us to do a challenge or look at one thing – right after lunch. In fact that is how we do most of our science, history, art – anything of those lovely ‘extras’ – or if I know we are heading over to grandmother’s then I will make sure I know the nature topic and we will do a little walk in her backyard. HBNS is very informal with a little notebooking/sketching follow up ( or not!) I hear you about needing more time in the day. And sometimes, as a mama, I am just done. That’s when the ‘one more thing after lunch’ habit came in handy. We could all do just one more thing (which then grew into more things as the children got older). Here is my series on how to fit in all the extras. I hope it helps some! Thanks for your comment Lauren and helping me clear up that confusion.