Homeschool night classes might just be the alternative homeschool schedule you are looking for! In addition to meeting needs with a changing schedule, you can build memories together as a family!
Though I share about homeschool habits almost every week here at Your Best Homeschool (formerly Hodgepodge), ours seem to be changing daily! We have those habits we are grounded in but these days we are rearranging to meet the needs of our age range of children. Adapting to changing learning needs.

Pictured above – Michael Farris teaching – with Apologia’s Constitutional Literacy. We are learning so much with our night classes! Be sure to read my full review!
Homeschool Night Classes and Other Benefits of an Alternative Homeschool Schedule
So since we have been in a whirlwind of these changes lately and it’s been several weeks since I’ve shared an update…here we go.
How about we start at the start of the day and end with homeschool night classes? Because that is how it goes here at our house. Topped off with a mug of hot chocolate. Complete with instagram photos and collages…
Weekly Homeschool Planning Meeting
Having a weekly planning meeting with all our ages just sets the tone for the week. Both in expectations and in redirecting mid-week. There is always a full week of learning ahead and when we talk about it – each child gets to have input on goals. Plus the family calendar plays a major role.
And since the older three each present their plan for accomplishing their subjects and assignments to us parents – they own their responsibilities and continue to grow in independent learning. This planning time is a gift in building a skill they will use the rest of their lives.
Morning Devotion Time in The Homeschool Day
Our morning devotion time looks a little different each day. The older three have their own, personal quiet time. But the younger two are always close by me first thing in the morning – often before the sun rises. We alternate reading from Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado and Jesus Calling for Kids. But in this case, in the photo above, Littlest Girl was close by Hodgepodgedad, who happened to be home for Veteran’s Day. Thanks to his state job.
Now if you follow me on instagram you know that I often share a favorite hymn in the mornings. That’s because the hymnal is part of my morning devotional time. Well, on this chilly morning earlier in the week, Littlest Girl got a hold of the hymnal. And the caption goes like this: “I am loving this scene – toasty fire and singing through the hymnal. Started with He Keeps Me Singing and now Christmas has come early.”
After devotionals, we finish up our before school check list and then we start with the little ones first. Math!
Homeschool Math at the Chalkboard Desk
Silly Goose doing third grade Teaching Textbooks math at the well-loved and heavily used chalkboard desk.
Breaks In Your Homeschool Day for Spontaneous Nature Study
This homeschool moment brought to you by first grader. Because when it hasn’t rained in quite a while, you must pause math, open the front door and soak up the sights, sounds and smells. Plus rain highlights the colors of the changing leaves.
Artistic Outlet for Homeschoolers
There are just some that NEED that creative break. And even though there might be a mess (yes, I still have to have a pep talk with myself), I must say yes. Here Middle Girl made mini canvases with Bible verses (using the Child Training Bible) for the Lottie Moon auction at church. More on How to Make Mini Art Canvases.
Fine Arts for Your Homeschool
Someone can’t get enough of Dover Publications Spot the Differences Art Masterpiece Mysteries series! Read more in my review at The Curriculum Choice. And explore our favorite Fine Arts curriculum here.
Cozy Cooking for Easy Evenings
Lately we’ve been making some comfort foods to match the cooler weather. Chili, both gluten free and Trim Healthy Mama pancakes. A new slow cooker for many a savory meal in our future. And cozy fires in the fireplace.
Bedtime Stories and Reading Aloud Are an Important Part of the Day!
Whether it is building with tracks…or staying up just a touch later reading, children need to have time to do the work of childhood.
Nightschooling: Homeschool Night Classes with Middle and High Schoolers – Coffee Shop Style!
Sometimes in the evenings, we enjoy a coffee shop style gathering to learn! Do you do night school with your older ones too? Apologia’s Constitutional Literacy is just best for us in the evenings. The younger ones are in bed and we can focus on the tougher subject material with our middle and high schoolers. Plus have the time to do follow up discussion.
So, fix some hot chocolate or tea, maybe some snacks – and join in the learning and great discussion with your children!
Other homeschool subjects we’ve done in the evenings?
- Tapestry of Grace reading and movies
- Visual Latin and WordUp!
- Even a Teaching Textbooks math lesson this week…
I love how close my eldest two are. If you could only hear the banter and the laughter. Early evening and these two high schoolers are doing math. 10th grader is teaching 11th grader through some tougher spots. Homeschooling in action.
More Homeschool Tools for You!
Since it has been weeks since I shared a homeschool update, here are a few more goings on:
- American Landmarks: Chalk Pastel Art for All Ages – this was SO much fun to put together that I think we might need a second volume.
- Hodgepodge of Holiday Habits – I thought I’d pull out the hodgepodge of holiday habits. In hopes that one might inspire you. And also to remind myself as well. Feel free to pin this and come back to it later if this is simply too early for you!
- Paint Your Pet Challenge – it’s time to pull out the chalk pastels and do some pet portraits! We are painting Oswald the Bearded Dragon!
- Harold and the Purple Chalk Pastel – go on an adventure with Harold and have fun with your purple chalk.
So do you do night homeschool classes with your high schoolers too?
-originally published 2014
Flexibility is one of my favorite things about homeschooling! Just last night I had to pry my 9 year old from his MOD Design 1 class, he is enjoying it so much! At 10p, I finally had to pull the plug and send him to bed!
Tell Middle Girl I am enjoying the canvas(plus a few duct tape flowers) that I purchased at the auction.
Yay for night classes!! And I sure will – she will be so pleased to hear!
You and Daddy-man are making such wonderful memories for your children! So proud of Hodgepodge!
Night school….Never considered it, but whatever works! The great thing about homeschooling is flexibility…My youngest son is an afternoon schooler, not an early morning person, but my daughter gets up before the rest of us and has most of her work completely by the time we’re up. Staggering my kids makes for a smoother day! Love the verse canvasses! Great for wall decorations! Your fireplace looks divine! I wish I had one! LOL
I love that bearded dragon. It looks so good.
I love that we can be so flexible with homeschooling. And the night schooling is a good idea for being able to enjoy all the good things during the day.
Due to all the farm chores and animals that need fed in the mornings (especially in the winter), our homeschool schedule works best in the evenings and sometimes nights. The kids have ran all morning and are ready to sit down and work as soon as lunch is over.
And looking at your night school pictures–how cozy and relaxed they look in their learning!
(The picture of your ti-die shirt daughter at the computer–that’s one you’ll want to save–I just LOVE it!)